
(Dana P.) #1

O/E/O Optic-Electronic-Optic conversion

OA Ordered Aggregate

OADM Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer

OAM Operations and Maintenance

OCC Optical Connection Controller

OCh Optical Channel

O-D Origin-Destination

OIF Optical Internetworking Forum

OMG Object Management Group

OMP Optimised MultiPath

OMS Optical Multiplex Section

OS Operations System

OSI Open System Interconnection

OSPF Open Shortest Path First

OSS Operation Support System

OTN Optical Transport Network

OTS Optical Transmission Section

overlapPartit overlapping Partitions

OXC Optical Cross-Connect

P Provider

PAWS Protect Against Wrapped Sequences

PBS Peak Burst Size

PBX Private Branch Exchange

PC Personal Computer

PCBR Premium Constant Bit Rate

PCF Policy Control Function

PCM Pulse Code Modulation

P-CSCF Policy Call State Control Function

PDB Per Domain Behaviour

PDF Probability Density Function

PDP Packet Data Processor
Packet Data Protocol (UMTS)

PDR Peak Data Rate

PE Provider Edge

PEP Policy Enforcement Point

PHB Per Hop Behaviour

PI Policy Interface

PIB Policy Information Base

PIM-DM Protocol-Independent Multicast – Dense Mode

PIM-SM Protocol-Independent Multicast – Sparse Mode

PIN Policy-Ignorant Node
PIR Peak Information Rate
PL Packet Length
PLC Packet Loss Concealment
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network
PMC Premium Mission Critical
PMM Premium MultiMedia
PNO Public Network Operator
POP Point Of Presence
POS Packet Over SDH
POTS Plain-Old Telephony Service
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol
PRC Policy Rule Class
PRP Policy Retrieval Point
PS Packet Switched
PSC Per hop behaviour Scheduling Class
PSH Push
PSPWG Packet Switching Protocols Working Group
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
PVBR Premium Variable Bit Rate

QC Quality Category
QCS Quality Class Specification
QoS Quality of Service
QPIM QoS Policy Information Model

R&D Research and Development
RAB Radio Access Bearer
RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
RAM Random Access Memory
RAN Radio Access Network
RAP Resource Allocation working group (IETF)
RAR Resource Allocation Request
Rec. Recommendation
RED Random Early Detection
Random Early Discard
REP Report
REQ Request
RFC Request for Comments
RIB Routing Information Base
RIO Random Early Detection with In/Out bit
RIP Routing Information Protocol
RLC Radio Link Control
RLR Receive Loudness Rating
RM-ODP Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing
RNC Radio Network Controller
ROA Recognised Operating Agencies
RST Reset

NPL Network Parameters Level

NPP Network Performance Parameters

NRT Non-Real Time

NTA Norwegian Telecommunications Administration

NTP Network Time Protocol

NU Network User




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