
(Dana P.) #1

SA Security Association

SAP Session Announcement Protocol

SBM Subnet Bandwidth Manager

SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy

SDP Session Description Protocol

SDR State-Dependent Routing

SDU Service Data Unit

SG Study Group

SGM Small-Group Multicast

SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node

SIMP Satellite Interface Message Processor

SIP Session Initiation Protocol

SIS Service Instance Specification

SLA Service Level Agreement


SLO Service Level Object

SLR Send Loudness Rating

SLS Service Level Specification

SM Simple Multicast

SME Small and Medium Enterprises

SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SN Subnetwork

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol

SO SubOptimality

SONET Synchronous Optical Network

SOS Service Offer Specification

SP Service Provider

SPF Shortest Path First

SPI Security Parameter Index

SQA Service Quality Agreement

SRED Shock-absorber RED

SRI Stanford Research International

srTCM single rate Three Colour Marker

SRTT Smoothed Round Trip Time

SS7 Signalling System no 7

SSL Secure Socket Layer

SSM Source Specific Multicast

SSRC Synchronisation Source identifier

RSVP Resource reSerVation Protocol

RT Real Time

RTCP RTP Control Protocol

RTFM Real Time Flow Measurement

RTO Retransmission Timeout

RTP Real-time Transport Protocol

RTSP Real-Time Streaming Protocol

RTT Round Trip Time

RTTM Round Trip Time Measurement

RTTVAR Round Trip Time Variation

ssthresh slow start threshold
STM Synchronous Transfer Mode
STS Service Template Specification
SYN Synchronisation

T1 Standards Committee T1, Telecommunication
(related to Alliance for Telecommunications Industry
TCA Traffic Conditioning Agreement
TCM Three Colour Marker
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TCS Traffic Conditioning Specification
TD Tail-Drop
TDR Time-Dependent Routing
TE Terminal Equipment
Traffic Engineering
TFRC TCP Friendly Rate Control
TG Traffic Generator
TIP Terminal Interface Message Processor
TIPHON Telecommunications and Internet Protocol
Harmonisation Over Networks
TL Topological Link
TLC Transport Layer Security
TLV Type-Length-Value
TMF TeleManagement Forum
TMSC Transit MSC
topEndDir topological End Directionality
TOS Type Of Service
TRC Transcoder
trTCM two rate Three Colour Marker
TTC Telecommunication Technology Committee
TTL Time-To-Live
TTR Time To Repair
Tx Transmit

UA Unavailability
UAC User Agent Client
UAS User Agent Server
UCL University College London
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UE User Equipment
UHO User Home Organisation
UML Unified Modelling Language
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication System
UN User Network
UNI User Network Interface
URG Urgent
URI Universal Resource Identifier
URL Universal Resource Locator
UTRAN UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network



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