
(Dana P.) #1
Box C Resilience

As the multitude of services on IP-based networks increases, a differentiation of
dependability (e.g. reliability and availability) requirements is asked for. This is
sometimes referred to as resilience requirements. A resilience differentiated net-
work would only protect traffic flows that require higher availability that would
allow for more effective network resource utilisation. Basically, this could be
done on other layers than IP. In principle realising resilience mechanisms in
lower layers would allow for faster response, e.g. from a link is broken until an
alternative link is found. On the other hand, lower layers also operate on more
coarse granularity of traffic aggregates. Thus, higher layers give finer granularity
but commonly also longer response times.

Traffic flows requiring high availability may belong to so-called mission-critical
applications. Such applications may include all types of applications, like real-
time, elastic, etc. Therefore, applications such as multimedia as well as data-
base transactions could be asking for high availability. This means that the
resilience requirement is orthogonal to other performance variables, like delay
and loss.

A possible set of resilience classes is described in [ID_resreq]:

  • High resilience requirements: Resources should be exclusively reserved on
    an alternative path. For a 1+1 protection, packets are forwarded on the work-
    ing path and the backup path. In case the working path fails, the receiver just
    selects packet on the other path. In case of 1:1 protection, the packets are
    forwarded on the alternative path in case of failure on the working path. This
    asks for recovery signalling to handle unidirectional failures.

  • Medium resilience requirements: Spare resources may be shared between
    multiple flows. The bandwidth management has to assure that enough spare
    resources are available for a given set of expected failures. In case of a fail-
    ure, packets are forwarded after rerouting and reservation of spare resources.

  • Low resilience requirements: No resources are reserved in advance. In case
    of failure, packets may be forwarded after a rerouting and reservation phase
    if enough resources are available.

  • No resilience requirements: In case of a network failure in the administrated
    domain, packets may be discarded/dropped. This may happen even if the
    traffic is not directly affected by the failure but rather by a rerouting of other
    traffic flows having high resilience requirements.

In order to implement differentiated resilience, updates of the service implemen-
tation could be needed. For IntServ/RSVP corresponding attributes have to be
carried in the signalling messages and filters/conditioners have to be available.
For DiffServ activating a resilience marking may be used, like a bit in the ToS
octet (bit 5 of the DSCP field). Resilience attributes may also be used for MPLS.
These mechanisms are described for the different mechanisms in this article.

Box D Information Distribution

In current IP-based networks several means are used to make the distribution
of information more efficient, including:

  • mirroringthe information meaning that the information is replicated in several
    places/servers. This would increase the dependability and allow for faster

  • cachingthe information, basically meaning that previously accessed informa-
    tion is stored in a place closer to the user (limiting the traffic and allowing
    faster response);

  • load balancinghaving the objective to distribute the traffic/requests among
    the servers.

more interest. This addresses the selection
of paths for packets and may work well with
path-oriented solutions, that is LSPs.

  • Traffic mapping. This refers to the assignment
    of traffic flows onto paths to meet certain
    requirements considering the set of policies
    relevant. A central issue arises when several
    paths are present between the same pair of
    originating and destination router. Appropriate
    means should be taken to distribute the traffic
    according to some defined ratios, still keeping
    the ordering of packets belonging to the same
    application (or micro-flow).

  • Measurement. Mechanisms for monitoring,
    collecting and analysing statistical data have
    to be in place. Such data may relate to perfor-
    mance and traffic. In particular, being able to
    construct traffic matrices per service class is
    an essential part of a TE system.

  • Network survivability. Survivability refers to
    the capability to maintain service continuity
    in presence of faults. This can be realised by
    rapid recovering or by redundancy. Co-ordi-
    nating protection and restoration capabilities
    across multiple layers is a challenging task. At
    the different layers protection and restoration
    would typically occur at different temporal
    and bandwidth granularity. At the bottom
    layer, an optical network layer may be pre-
    sent, e.g. utilising WDM. Then, SDH and/or
    ATM could be present below the IP layer.
    Restoration at the IP layer is commonly done
    by the routing protocols, which may require
    some minutes to complete. Some means being
    proposed relate to MPLS allowing for faster
    recovery (ref. Box B). A common suit of con-
    trol plane protocols has been proposed for the
    MPLS and optical transport networks. This
    may support more sophisticated restoration
    capabilities. When multiple service classes are
    present, their requirements on restoration may
    differ introducing further challenges on the
    mechanisms to be used. Resilience attributes
    can be attached to an LSP telling how traffic
    on that LSP can be restored in case of failure.
    A basic attribute may indicate if all traffic
    trunks in the LSP are transferred on a backup
    LSP or some of the traffic is to be routed out-
    side, e.g. following the routing protocols (see
    Box C). Extended attributes may be intro-
    duced giving indications like backup LSP is to
    be pre-established, constraints for routing the
    backup LSP, priorities when routing backup
    LSP, and so forth.

  • Servers and content distribution. Location and
    allocation of content on servers have signifi-
    cant impact on the traffic distribution, in par-
    ticular as long as much of the traffic is similar

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