
(Dana P.) #1
leaky bucket analogy refers to a bucket with a
hole in the bottom that causes it to “leak” at a
certain rate. Then more “fluid” is added to the
bucket according to arrival of packets, see Fig-
ure 2.

Describing the arriving traffic/packets, several
parameters can be used, like the peak rate and
the mean rate. Therefore, the leaky bucket can
also operate on different time scales according
to the parameter that is checked. The “depth”/
capacity of the bucket corresponds to a tolerance
for the parameter that is checked.

In principle, several levels of the bucket capacity
can be defined, each level corresponding to a
certain action, like re-marking packets or drop-
ping packets.

In the algorithm, a counter represents the content
of the bucket. This counter is incremented
according to the size of the packet that arrives.
The “leak rate” in the algorithm is the decrement
rate, which reduces the counter value by a given
value at certain intervals. The bucket volume is
analogous to the counter range, which is repre-
sented by the permissible time tolerance for the
incoming cells. An algorithm flow is shown in
Figure 3.

As mentioned above, several time scales/param-
eters of the traffic flow would typically be oper-

ated on. In addition, several classes may also be
given for the traffic flow (i.e. a flow aggregate).
Above the bucket is described for the data flow
itself, however, the bucket may also refer to an
amount of tokens as described in the following.

Policing devices applying the leaky bucket
algorithm are described in [RFC2697] and
[RFC2698]. These describe the single rate Three
Colour Marker (srTCM) and two rate Three
Colour Marker (trTCM), respectively. As sev-
eral classes may be assumed, these would be
applicable to DiffServ classes, in particular the
Assured Forwarding class (see Chapter 4).

The srTCM meters a traffic flow and marks
packets according to three traffic parameters;
Committed Information Rate (CIR), Committed
Burst Size (CBS) and Excess Burst Size (EBS).
The marking may be green, yellow or red. A
packet is marked green if it does not exceed the
CBS, yellow if it does exceed the CBS and not
the EBS, and red otherwise.

The trTCM meters a traffic flow and marks
packets based on two rates; Peak Information
Rate (PIR) and CIR, and their associated burst
sizes. Red is used if the packet exceeds the PIR.
If not, it is marked yellow if it exceeds the CIR,
and green otherwise.

These meters may operate in two modes; either
colour-aware or colour-blind. In the former it is
assumed that the packet has already been marked
when arriving at the meter. When colour-blind,
the meter assumes that no colour has been att-
ached to the packet. The colour is coded into the
DiffServ field (see Chapter 4).

The behaviour of the srTCM meter can be mod-
elled as two token buckets, Cand E, which both
share the common rate CIR, see Figure 4. The
maximum size of the token bucket Cis CBS and
the maximum size of the token bucket Eis EBS.
Tokens are generated at a rate equal to CIR and
inserted into token bucket C. If token bucket Cis
full, tokens spill over to token bucket E. If also
token bucket Eis full, the token is discarded.

When the srTCM is configured in colour-blind
mode, it treats all received packets as unmarked
packets. The colour of the packet is determined
by the status of the token buckets upon its
arrival. A packet of size Bbytes is marked as
green if token bucket Ccontains at least B
tokens upon the packet’s arrival. If this is not the
case, it is marked as yellow if token bucket E
contains at least Btokens. If none of the token
buckets contain at least Btokens, the packet is
marked red. When the decision is made to mark
the packet as green or yellow, Btokens are
removed from the associated token bucket.

Figure 3 Illustration of leaky
bucket algorithm

B = B ́
tconf = tk

B ́ = B + k - R(tk - tconf)

Arrival of packet
of size k at time tk

B ́ < 0?

B ́ > L?

B ́ = 0






B ́ - internal auxiliary variable
B - bucket filling
R - bucket leaking rate
L - bucket capacity/threshold
k - size of arriving packet
tk - time of arrival of packet
tconf- time of arrival of previous
conforming packet
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