Modern inorganic chemistry

(Axel Boer) #1
again to give the polymerised violet allotrope. Red phosphorus may
have a structure intermediate between that of violet phosphorus
and white phosphorus, or it may be essentially similar to the violet
Black phosphorus is formed when white phosphorus is heated
under very high pressure (12000 atmospheres). Black phosphorus
has a well-established corrugated sheet structure with each phos
phorus atom bonded to three neighbours. The bonding forces
between layers are weak and give rise to flaky crystals which
conduct electricity, properties similar to those ol graphite. It is
less reactive than either white or red phosphorus.
Arsenic and antimony resemble phosphorus in having several
allotropic modifications. Both have an unstable yellow allotrope.
These allotropes can be obtained by rapid condensation of the
vapours which presumably, like phosphorus vapour, contain As 4
and Sb 4 molecules respectively. No such yellow allotrope is known
for bismuth. The ordinary form of arsenic, stable at room tempera-
ture, is a grey metallic-looking brittle solid which has some power
to conduct*. Under ordinary conditions antimony and bismuth are
silvery white and reddish white metallic elements respectively.


  1. Reaction with air


The dissociation energy of the N=N bond is very large. 946 kJ mol" \
and dissociation of nitrogen molecules into atoms is not readily
effected until very high temperatures, being only slight even at
3000 K. It is this high bond energy coupled with the absence of bond
polarity that explains the low reactivity of nitrogen, in sharp
contrast to other triple bond structures such as —C=N, —C^O,
—C^C—t. Nitrogen does, however, combine with oxygen to a
small extent when a mixture of the gases is subjected to high tempera-
ture or an electric discharge, the initial product being nitrogen

  • The incorporation of minute amounts of arsenic in semi-conductors has been
    mentioned (p. 166).
    •!• Certain living systems can 'fix' atmospheric nitrogen, using a metalloenzyme
    called nitrogenase. Attempts are being made to imitate this mode of fixation by
    synthesising transition metal complexes in which molecular nitrogen, N 2 , is present
    as a ligand. The problem of easy conversion of this to (for example) NH 3 or NOJ
    remains to be solved.

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