Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow

(Dana P.) #1
If you have set the property cacheSecondsto zero, the following headers will be sent:

  • Pragma: No-cache(universal)

  • Expires: n(where n = current system date + one second, as HTTP-formatted date)

  • Cache-Control: no-cache(HTTP/1.1)

  • Cache-Control: no-store(HTTP/1.1, for Firefox)

If you wish to inform the client to cache the document, the following headers will be sent:

  • Expires: n(where n = current system date + seconds, as HTTP-formatted date)

  • Cache-Control: max-age=s(where s = seconds documents should be cached for)

There is one more element of caching your Controllercan configure, but not through
setting properties. Your Controllerimplementation may also implement the interface
org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.LastModified(shown in Listing 6-4) to indicate that
it provides a last modified time for the document. This interface contains one method.

Listing 6-4.LastModified Interface

package org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc;
public interface LastModified {
long getLastModified(HttpServletRequest request);

If your Controllerimplements this (which AbstractControllerdoes notby default), then
the cache control code can send an extra hint to the client via cache headers. By providing a last
modified date, the Cache-Control header will contain the value max-age=s, must-revalidate,
which instructs the client that it must revalidate the document once it has become stale in
the cache.
The most common way a client will revalidate the document is to issue a conditional request
using the Last-Modified header inside the HTTP request. When the client requests the document
again, it will send a Last-Modified header set to the date when it last received the document. The
document is considered valid if it has not been modified since this date.

■Tip For more on how a client may revalidate a resource, consult section 13.3 of the HTTP RFC,

As you can see, by implementing LastModified, your Controllerwill be able to accurately
tell the server when its contents last changed. Thus, AbstractControlleris able to incorporate
the must-revalidateinstruction in its Cache-Control headers.

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