CRUD (create, read, update, and delete)
application, 31
CRUD methods, 35
currentPerson variable, 386
custom AttributeMappers, 343
custom date format, 274
custom exception handling, 79
custom PropertyEditors, 142–145
CustomBooleanEditor propertyeditor, 136
CustomCollectionEditor propertyeditor, 136
CustomDateEditor class, 66, 68
CustomDateEditor propertyeditor, 136, 139
CustomerValidator class, 280
CustomNumberEditor propertyeditor, 136
>d shift operator, 272
<d shift operator, 272
DAOs (Data Access Objects), 37, 49, 293
data access layer, 37–38
dependencies, 36–37
overview, 35–36
Data Access Objects (DAOs), 37, 49, 293
Data Binder, 313
data binding, 123–124, 321
data validation, 321
DataAccessException class, 37
database interaction code, 302
DataBinder class, 124
Date class, 140
Date class, java.util package, 44, 271
date operators, 271
Date PropertyEditor, 139
DateFormat class, 140
DateInsertionInterceptor, 198
dateParserRegistrations property, 274
debug parameter, 380
Decision state, 318, 359
decision states, 326–327, 365–366
declarative validators, 267–277
default mapping, 89–90
default statement, 289
defaultLocale property, 105
defaultMethodName property, 171
definedMaxNumberOfArguments method,
defineMinNumberOfArguments method, 275
delete( ) method, 380
departFrom property, 66
Dependency Injection, 7, 14–16, 32, 49, 55,
59, 103
overview, 11–12
Service Locator pattern, 12–13
unit testing benefits, 16
property, DispatcherServlet
interface, 83, 94
detectAllHandlerMappings property, 83
detectAllViewResolvers property, 83
Direct Web Remoting (DWR)
accessibility, 387
overview, 377–378
practical example
configuration and code changes,
overview, 378
presentation file changes, 381–387
discrete test condition, 284
DispatchAction, 170
DispatcherServlet, 63, 75, 78, 195, 209, 213
declaration, 79–80
initialization, 80–83
overview, 60, 79
URI mapping to Controllers, in home page
use case, 61
DispatcherServlet interface, 79
DispatcherServlet resolution subsystem, 313
dist target, 372
documenting MVC application. SeeBeanDoc
dodelete method name, 170
doFilter( ) method, 79
doGetResult method, 275
domain model, 26, 31
domain model layer
dependencies, 32
dependency injection for domain model,
overview, 31–32
Spring's support for, 32
domain object, 145
Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle, 29
doService method, 28
doSubmitAction( ) method, 154, 162
double type, 44
DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself ) principle, 29
DummyFlightService bean, 49
DuplicatePurchaseException exceptions, 368
DWR (Direct Web Remoting)
accessibility, 387
overview, 377–378
practical example
configuration and code changes,
overview, 378
presentation file changes, 381–387
dwr.xml file, 378
dynamic model attributes, 207
dynamic name attribute, 186
EasyMock library, 24, 292
Eclipse IDE, 236, 312
edge case, 288
Effective Java, 44
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