a natural stone block. The terrain is consistently
terraced with seating steps, each combined with
two risers.
The long stairway to the top of the toboggan hill
consists of 40cm treads with 12cm risers, provid-
ing a comfortable gradient, with landings every
seven steps. The specially designed stainless steel
handrail follows the slope of the hill as well as the
stairway. To the rear of the hill, serpentine bends
are used to reduce the slope to 3 per cent to ease
access for those with mobility difficulties.
The pedestrian boardwalks
In order to continue the long, linear pathway con-
nections in the areas of the bathing lake and the
sunken garden, pedestrian boardwalks were neces-
sary. The construction of these boardwalks appears
to be very solid. The load-bearing construction
consists of steel members, painted black, and a
surface of larch-wood planks with surface grooves.
The dimensions of the construction members are
based on the static calculations of the consulting
engineer. The untreated timber planks contain extra
measures against weathering. To make the side
elevations of the boardwalk appear more elegant,
the wooden planks were angled towards their ends.
In order to avoid a visible screw connection from
the top, two planks were connected on the under-
side with a steel plate. These were then attached to
the binding inter-ties through the gaps between the
planks from above. The construction of the board-
walks ensures timber protection, the interrupted
appearance of the wooden material, and safety for
pedestrian users.
Boardwalk, isometric drawing
Boardwalk detailed drawing, showing handrail con-
Photo: boardwalk detail