European Landscape Architecture: Best Practice in Detailing

(John Hannent) #1

Anderson, Sven-Ingvar, 12
Andersson, Thorbjörn
Places. platser, 215, 219
see also Daniaparken, Malmö
Architecture of Landscape, 1940–1960,
The (Treib), 4
Asquith Design Partnership, 254, 261
bollards, bronze (photo), 254
urns, bronze (photo), 253

Balogh, Péter István, 135
see also Erzsébet Square, Budapest
Bánfalvy, András, 135
see also Erzsébet Square, Budapest
Barcelona, 3, 4, 15, 30, 31
see also Jardí Botànic de Barcelona
Bay of Somme motorway service station, 75
aerial photograph of landscape, 70
canals, 71, 77–8, 80 ; and infiltration pond
(section), 79 ; and motorway (section),
72 ; and tower (section), 78
design philosophy, 70–1
duckboards (plan and section), 75
earthworks model (photo), 71
evaluation, 79–80
map of Department of Somme, 69
park, 70–1, 74, 76, 77–8
picnic area: access, and motorway
(section), 72 ; view from tower (photo),

plans: from competition documents, 71 ;
after implementation, 73
planting, 74, 76, 78, 79
playground, 76; and path (photo), 75
project data and overview, 69
service area and building, 74–6; and tower
(photo), 77 ; transparencies between
service building and tower (photo), 75 ;
west side (section and plan), 74–6
terrace (section), 75
wind turbine, 76; photo, 74
Berlin, 15
BG Technology, 48
Bijhouwer, Dr. Ir. J.P.T.H., 153
Bikki, István, 135
see also Erzsébet Square, Budapest
Blue Carpet, Newcastle upon Tyne, 5
aerial view (photograph), 241
balusters, carved details (photos), 261
benches: as cast, 248 ; concept detail, 248 ;
creating frames, 248
bollards, bronze: concept detail (section
and plan), 245 ; illuminated by night
(photo), 245 ; photo, 254
design development, 246–50; sketches, 256–7
design philosophy, 240–4
evaluation, 250–1
Goodwin Fountain, 258
Laing Art Gallery, view towards (photos), 240
lawns, 259

lighting, 260; neon tubes, 247
Lottery Funding, 251
maintenance problems, 262
paving, 259, 262
planting, 247
project data and overview, 239
retaining walls, 259
seating areas, 247, 259
site before implementation, 240
site plan, 242–3
spiral staircase, 247–50; details, 249 ; views
from below and above (photos), 249
tiles, glass, 247
Town Hall Square, 259, 260, 262
urns, bronze (photo), 253
water features, 258, 260, 261
Blundell-Jones, Peter, 6
Bockemühl, Jochen, 126
Bogner, Zsuzsanna, 135
see also Erzsébet Square, Budapest
Bohigas, Oriol, 183
Bonnya village, 123–6
see also Garden of Somogy
Boór and Kern Deposit Company, 135
see also Erzsébet Square, Budapest
Boór, András, 135
see also Erzsébet Square, Budapest
Bramsnæs, Annelise, 10, 12
see also Harbour Park, Islands Brygge,


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