materials: Austrian gneiss with oak (photo),
orientation plan, 109
pathways, 117; edging (photo), 117 ; main,
111; main (photo), 110
planting: cherry tree grove, 110
project data and overview, 107
stairs (photo), 117
urn graves, 117; plan and section, 116
urn walls, 117; construction detail and
photo, 115
viewing platform, 117
walls: corner (photo), 112 ; cross-section,
112 ; double-faced (photo), 111 ; dry-laid
stone, 117; urn walls, 115 , 117; wall
unit (photo and construction detail),
water basin: detail section, 113 ; taps
(photo), 113
water stations, 117
Newcastle upon Tyne, 237
Laing Art Gallery, 239, 240
see also Blue Carpet, Newcastle upon Tyne
O’Connell Street improvement scheme
see GPO Plaza, Dublin
OKRA landscape architects, 155
see also Quay on the River IJsset,
Ove Arup and Partners, 48
PAGONY Landscape and Garden Design, 122
see also Garden of Somogy
Palmboom, Fritz, 169
Parc de la Villette, 3, 4, 9, 67
Paris, 3, 4, 15
Peace Gardens, Sheffield, 5
bollards: concept detail (section and plan),
245 ; illuminated by night (photo), 245 ;
photo, 254
design development, 255–60
design philosophy, 254–5
evaluation, 261–2
Goodwin Fountain, 254
Heart of the City Project, 255; early
masterplan, 253
planting, 252
project data and overview, 252
public consultation, 255
urns, bronze (photos), 253
Pearman, Hugh, 251
Pedrola, Dr Joan, 193
Peña Ganchegui, Luis, 4
Perkins, Tom, 254
Perry, Richard, 254, 260
Pinen (Harbour Park, Islands Brygge,
Copenhagen), 28 , 30
Places. platser (Thorbjörn), 219
Acer campestre, 132
Acer platanoides, 74; ‘Emerald Queen’, 142
Achillea, 132
Aesculus hippocastanum, 10, 15
Alnus cordata, 180
Amygdalus nana, 143
Banksia, 186
Betula nigra, 180
Buddleia davidii ‘Ile de France’, 178
Campanula, 132
Carpinus betulus, 76
Celtis occidentalis, 143
Centrantus ruber, 132
Cercis siliquastrum, 144
Clematis, 28
Cornus mas, 78
Corylus colurna, 144
Cotoneaster horizontalis, 143
Crataegus crus-galli, 18, 28, 31
Deutzia × rosea, 143
Fraxinus excelsior, 74; ‘Eureka’, 180
Fraxinus velutina, 76
Gleditschia alley, 144
Gleditschia triacanthos ‘Shademaster’, 142
Hedera helix, 24, 178, 180
Iris, 132
Juglans nigra, 180
Lavandula, 205
Lilium, 132
Liriodendron tulipifera, 144
Lonicera nitida ‘Maigrün’, 143
Malus hybrida, 24