Make Electronics

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Experiment 19: Learning Logic

184 Chapter 4


From    Boole   to  Shannon
George Boole was a British mathematician, born in 1815, who did something
that few people are ever lucky enough or smart enough to do: he invented an
entirely new branch of mathematics.
Interestingly, it was not based on numbers. Boole had a relentlessly logical
mind, and he wanted to reduce the world to a series of true-or-false statements
which could overlap in interesting ways. For instance, suppose there is a couple
named Ann and Bob who have so little money, they only own one hat. Clearly,
if you happen to run into Ann and Bob walking down the street, there are four
possibilities: neither of them may be wearing a hat, Ann may be wearing it, or
Bob may be wearing it, but they cannot both be wearing it.
The diagram in Figure 4-51 illustrates this. All the states are possible except the
one where the circles overlap. (This is known as a Venn diagram. I leave it to you
to search for this term if it interests you and you’d like to learn more.) Boole took
this concept much further, and showed how to create and simplify extremely
complex arrays of logic.

No one
the hat

Ann wears
the hat

Bob wears
the hat

wear thehat

Figure 4-51. This slightly frivolous Venn diagram illustrates the various possibilities
for two people, Ann and Bob, who own only one hat.

Another way to summarize the hat-wearing situation is to make the “truth table”
shown in Figure 4-52. The rightmost column shows whether each combination
of propositions can be true. Now check the table in Figure 4-53. It’s the same
table but uses different labels, which describe the pattern you have seen while
using the NAND gate.
Boole published his treatise on logic in 1854, long before it could be applied
to electrical or electronic devices. In fact, during his lifetime, his work seemed
to have no practical applications at all. But a man named Claude Shannon
encountered Boolean logic while studying at MIT in the 1930s, and in 1938 he
published a paper describing how Boolean analysis could be applied to circuits
using relays. This had immediate practical applications, as telephone networks
were growing rapidly, creating complicated switching problems.
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