Make Electronics

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Experiment 19: Learning Logic

190 Chapter 4


The confusing world of TTL and CMOS

Back in the 1960s, the first logic gates were built with
Transistor-Transistor Logic, abbreviated TTL, meaning that tiny
bipolar transistors were etched into a single wafer of silicon.
Soon, these were followed by Complementary Metal Oxide
Semiconductors, abbreviated CMOS. Each of these chips was
a collection of metal-oxide field-effect transistors (known as
MOSFETs). The 4026 chip that you used earlier is an old CMOS.
You may remember that bipolar transistors amplify current.
TTL circuits are similar: they are sensitive to current, rather
than voltage. Thus they require a significant flow of electricity,
to function. But CMOS chips are like the programmable uni-
junction transistor that I featured previously. They are voltage-
sensitive, enabling them to draw hardly any current while they
are waiting for a signal, or pausing after emitting a signal.
The two families named TTL and CMOS still exist today. The
table in Figure 4-64 summarizes their basic advantages and
disadvantages. The CMOS series, with part numbers from
4000 upward, were easily damaged by static electricity but
were valuable because of their meager power consumption.
The TTL series, with part numbers from 7400 upward, used
much more power but were less sensitive and very fast. So,
if you wanted to build a computer, you used the TTL family,
but if you wanted to build a little gizmo that would run for
weeks on a small battery, you used the CMOS family.
From this point on everything became extremely confusing,
because CMOS manufacturers wanted to grab market share
by emulating the advantages of TTL chips. Newer genera-
tions of CMOS chips even changed their part numbers to
begin with “74” to emphasize their compatibility, and the
functions of pins on CMOS chips were swapped around to
match the functions of pins on TTL chips. Consequently, the
pinouts of CMOS and TTL chips are usually now identical,
but the meaning of “high” and “low” states changed in each
new generation, and the maximum supply voltages for CMOS
chips were revised downward. Note I have included question
marks beside two categories in the CMOS column, as modern
CMOS chips have overcome those disadvantages—at least to
some extent.
Here’s a quick summary, which will be useful to you if you
look at a circuit that you find online, and you wonder about
the chips that have been specified.
Where you see a letter “x,” it means that various numbers
may appear in that location. Thus “74xx” includes the 7400
NAND gate, the 7402 NOR gate, the 74150 16-bit data selec-
tor, and so on. A combination of letters preceding the “74”

identifies the chip manufacturer, while letters following the
part number may identify the style of package, may indicate
whether it contains heavy metals that are environmentally
toxic, and other details.


Speed Faster Slower?


to static



7400 4000
(Later adopted
7400 numbering)


Supply Range



Consumption Higher Very Low

Impedance Low Very High
Figure 4-64. The basic differences between the two families of
logic chips. In successive generations, these differences have
gradually diminished.

TTL family:
The old original generation, now obsolete.
Higher speed “Schottky” series, now obsolete.
Lower power Schottky series, still used occasionally.
Advanced low-power Schottky.
Faster than the ALS series.
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