You may ask, "How should I approach the Spirit? How
can I become ready to receive Him?"
Perhaps I should ask you a question or two. Is your ship
ready to sail? Is it seaworthy? Have you mended the sails?
Are they ready to receive the wind of the Spirit when He
begins to breathe on you?
It's like preparing for marriage. You spend time in
thought and preparation for that moment you stand before
the sacred altar. Then you make a vow "to have and to hold
from this day forward." You actually give yourself to your
spouse. It's an unselfish act of loving surrender. And from
that time forward a unique bond of fellowship is created
and is known only to a husband and wife.
But what happens when you take back part of yourself
that was committed in marriage? "You can't have that! It's
mine!" And what if your spouse says the same? It would
create a barrier in your relationship. The union would begin
to crumble. The fellowship would begin to falter. Only total
surrender brings total communion. It produces love and
There is only one way to restore a broken relationship.
Like the sail on a vessel, you cannot remain strained and
uptight. Just the opposite, you must be flexible and yield—
actually surrender to a new infilling of love.
The moment you surrender to the Lord, He will fill you
with His Spirit. You don't need to beg for the infilling. And
it doesn't require a bucket of tears. All it takes is a total
surrender to Christ and a willingness to embrace His
precious Holy Spirit.
Total surrender brings total infilling, and total
submission brings total fellowship. But just as in marriage,
you've got to work at it every day: "Jesus, I love you";