Good Morning, Holy Spirit

(Elliott) #1


9 Room for the Spirit........................................................

or generations, people have been led to believe that the
Spirit is an "it." From a thousand voices, millions of
written words, and an attitude that has permeated the
Christian faith, we have been programmed to think of the
Holy Ghost as a something rather than as a someone.


I heard a chorus recently that said, "Give me more of
You!" And I thought, "Why, that's unscriptural." You can't
take a part of Him. He's a person. You can't break Him into
little pieces, an arm this week and a leg the next. It's not,
"Give me more of you." It's exactly the opposite. You
should be crying out to the Spirit, "Please, take more of
me." He doesn't surrender to you. No! You surrender to

Without a doubt, the most overlooked message of the
church today is that the Holy Spirit is real and we must
make a place for Him.
Sad, isn't it. Ministers of the gospel by the thousands do
not comprehend the workings of the Spirit on planet earth.
I'm afraid they've been programmed, too. From Sunday
school to seminary, they have been led to believe that the
Spirit is a minor member of the Godhead who came at
Pentecost and has been floating in the clouds ever since.

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