God's Law, which was given by Moses the servant of God,
and to observe and do all the commandments of the LORD
our Lord... " (10:29).
Covenants with God were ratified by a variety of acts
including standing (Ezra 10:14), loosing the shoe (Ruth
4:7-11), giving a feast (Gen. 26:30), erecting a monument
(Gen. 31:45-53), and taking an oath (Joshua 2:12-14).
Perhaps the most important covenant of all is the one
God made to you through His Son when He "brought up
our Lord Jesus from the dead... through the blood of the
everlasting covenant" (Heb. 13:20).
A Word of Warning!
But just as God has a covenant regarding your
salvation, you can make a vow or oath with God that deals
with your personal needs. I've made a number of
commitments to God, and I believe that God recognizes the
sincerity of a commitment when you state categorically
what you're willing to do in response to His blessing.
One fact is obvious; the Old Testament is filled with
covenants that pleased God. And why is that important to
you? Because God works by and through covenants, and
you can enter into a covenant with Him regarding any
special need. You will find that the Father is more than
willing to stand by His word.
I have come to believe that the Holy Spirit enters your
life as the result of the eternal covenant God made with you
regarding your salvation. He is God's messenger— and
Christ's—to you from that moment on. And that agreement
is to be taken seriously. Remember what happened to
Samson. After Delilah had his head shaved while he was
sleeping, she shouted, "'The Philistines are upon you,
Samson!' So he awoke from his sleep, and said, 'I will go