The Future Poetry

(Brent) #1

214 The Future Poetry

not the word. And remoteness comes when we cannot relate
the spirit with life or bring the power of the spirit to transmute
the other members of our being. But the new age is one which
is climbing from a full intellectuality towards some possibility
of an equal fullness of the intuitive mind, and the full intuitive
mind, not that of glimpses, but of a luminous totality, opens
to the mind of revelation and inspiration. The aesthetic mind,
whether it take form in the word of the poet or in the word of the
illumined thinker, the prophet or the seer, can be one of the main
gateways. And what the age will aim at is neither materialism
nor an intuitive vitalism nor a remote detached spirituality, but
a harmonious and luminous totality of man’s being. Therefore
to this poetry the whole field of existence will be open for its
subject, God and Nature and man and all the worlds, the field
of the finite and the infinite. It is not a close, even a high close
and ending in this or any field that the future offers to us, but
a new and higher evolution, a second and greater birth of all
man’s powers and his being and action and creation.

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