The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching: 50 Top Executive Coaches Reveal Their Secrets

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organization allows the weather of the day to dictate its behavior toward em-
ployees. Although the war for talent has subsided in the short-term forecast,
that will not always be the case. A turnaround will come, and the looming
skill shortage is not going to disappear. When the ship is righted and condi-
tions improve, people will pass clear judgment by voting with their feet on
how well organizations live up to the terms of the new employment contract.

Brian Tracy

Getting What You Want


y mission in life has been to liberate human potential by helping peo-
ple set and achieve their most important goals. The coaching I do is
designed to bring people through a rigorous analysis of defining those goals
and determining appropriate action steps. Once we’ve programmed a goal
into the superconscious mind, it works 24 hours a day generating ideas, at-
tracting the right people to our side, and activating our particular context so
that we see things we might not have seen before. The results are a won-
drous thing to behold.
I concentrate primarily on entrepreneurs, business people near the top of
their organizations, professionals such as doctors, architects and lawyers, and
top salespeople. All currently earn a minimum salary of $100,000 a year—
since that is a level, in my opinion, that indicates that a person has a strong

Br ian Tracy, Chairman of Brian Tracy International, is
one of Amer ica’s leading authorities on the development
ofhuman potential and personal effectiveness. He ad-
dresses more than 250,000 people each year on the sub-
jects of personal and professional development. He has
written 35 books and is the author/narrator of more than
300 audio and video learning programs. He can be
reached by phone at (858) 481-2977 or via the Internet
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