The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching: 50 Top Executive Coaches Reveal Their Secrets

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More than any of these techniques, the coach’s most powerful tool is who
he or she is as a person. As a clinical psychologist, I have not only been through
therapy regarding my own psychological issues but also had intensive feedback
(a whole class of psychologists watching me work from behind a one-way mir-
ror) that has formed my consciousness about what I do. Although coaching is
not psychotherapy, I recommend that those without psychological training
find supervision or peer support to monitor their own behavior, especially
with clients who may evoke deep emotional reactions from them. I also think
that coaches need to be grounded in personality theory, have an understanding
oforganizational structure and dynamics, and be experienced in career devel-
opment, especially around the issue of career enhancers and derailers.
What is success? In leadership coaching, the true standard is for the coach
and client to have made clear changes in behavior and performance that can
be measured. The biggest downfall in coaching is focusing so much on the
side ofclient confidentiality that the client’s manager and the sponsoring
company fall out of the loop. Many coaches wish to avoid reporting back to
the company at all costs. I believe this to be a mistake for all sides involved.
Leadership coaching requires the willingness of leaders to be accountable
for making changes and raising their positive impact on others. It also re-
quires some amount of self-disclosure. Leaders must be ready to take a risk
by going public with not only their shortcomings, but also their goals for im-
provement. The coach’s role is to support this courageous journey by provid-
ing tools for self-knowledge, anticipating the rough spots, and connecting a
development plan to the demands of the leader ’s work and role. At its best,
leadership coaching is a powerful means to help individuals translate their
values into practical, positive action.

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