The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching: 50 Top Executive Coaches Reveal Their Secrets

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The Leader as Coach

David Kepler and Frank T. Morgan


he opportunity to be a leader and coach occurs for everyone throughout
his or her life. Many times, people miss the opportunity. In this essay,
we will discuss why the leader-coach role is so critical in today’s organiza-
tion. To begin, Dave Kepler shares how a simple family experience in his life
provided the foundation for his philosophy on leadership and coaching.

Who Should Build the Car?

Several years ago, my young son and I enjoyed an experience in the Indian
Guides. It was time for the annual Pine Wood Derby. Each father and son

David Kepler is a Corporate Vice President and the Chief
Information Officer of The Dow Chemical Company.
Dow is a global diversified chemical company with sales
ofmore than $33 billion. Since joining the company in
1975, he has held numerous leadership positions in the
United States, Canada, and Pacific regions of Dow. He is
a member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Board of
Directors, the American Chemical Society, and the
American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Dave gradu-
ated from the University of California at Berkeley with a degree in chemical
engineer ing.

Frank T. Morgan is Global Director of Executive Devel-
opment and Leadership at The Dow Chemical Company.
Prior to Dow, Frank was Professor of Management and
Director of Executive Education at the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Darden Graduate
School at the University of Virginia. He was also Senior
Group Vice President for an American firm and ran com-
panies in Latin America and Europe.
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