The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching: 50 Top Executive Coaches Reveal Their Secrets

(avery) #1


Area of expertise—68 percent
Coaching experience—78 percent
Gender—20 percent
Level of business experience—63 percent
Industry—34 percent
Direct referral— 40 percent
Reputation—65 percent
Whether the coach and the coachee get along—71 percent

Analysis and Discussion:Coaching experience and area of expert-
ise, along with reputation, combined with the ability of the coachee
and the coach to get along, are the most important aspects in select-
ing a coach. Business expertise and gender are the least important.

  1. How do you evaluate/measure the success or impact of the coaching
    Pre and post self-assessment—54 percent
    Pre and post multirater assessment— 44 percent
    Accomplishing agreed-to changes and objectives—78 percent
    Satisfaction of coachee—69 percent

Analysis and Discussion:The two most important measurements
are accomplishing agreed-to changes and objectives, and the satisfac-
tion ofcoachees, while pre- and postself-assessment is not as impor-
tant. There seems to be over whelming agreement that coaching has to
produce results (i.e., change in behavior that is observable).

  1. How effective is internal /external coaching?
    Forty-four percent rate internal coaching very effective or most ef-
    fective, while only 13.6 percent rate their internal coaching as not ef-
    fective. Twenty-nine percent rate external coaching as a very effective
    or most effective while only 10.7 percent rate their external coaches
    as not effective.

Analysis and Discussion:There was only a slight difference be-
tween how organizations rate their external and internal coaching. Al-
though there is a slight increase in assessment of the external
coaching, overall, in both internal and external coaching, the ratings
are significantly higher than anticipated.

  1. Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your

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