The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching: 50 Top Executive Coaches Reveal Their Secrets

(avery) #1


Do you have an internal coaching and mentoring system in place?—
74 percent
Do you apply certification standards to internal coaches?—11 percent
Do you provide training for internal coaches and mentors?—
65 percent

Analysis and Discussion:Surpr isingly, even though the vast major-
ity (74 percent) of respondents do, in fact, have an internal coaching
and mentoring system in place, only 11 percent apply certification
standards and measures with respect to those coaches. We expect that
the use of such standards and measures to increase over time. Indeed,
some of the underlying training is already in place, as nearly two-
thirds of respondents currently provide training for internal coaches
and mentors. We believe that this is higher than in the past as derived
from the qualitative data.

  1. What leading-edge coaching models, tools, techniques, methods, and
    approaches does your organization use?
    Action learning— 48.1 percent
    Appreciative inquiry—32 percent
    Behav ior modeling—35 percent
    360-degree feedback—62 percent
    Quick feedback survey—27 percent
    Peer interview— 40 percent
    Supervisor interview— 48 percent
    Shadowing—29 percent

Analysis and Discussion:Clearly, 360-degree feedback has really
caught on in the last 10 years. It is becoming customary in approxi-
mately two-thirds of the cases where internal and external coaching
is provided by an organization. Surprisingly, action learning is being
used (i.e., tailoring on-the-job learning for the coachee) in almost 50
percent of the coaching situations. Advanced concepts such as shad-
owing, although significant, are used in less than 30 percent of the in-
ternal and external coaching situations.

  1. How frequently are your coaching needs delivered through the fol-
    lowing means?
    Face to face—greater 75 percent
    Phone—greater than 50 percent
    Teleconference—less than 20 percent
    E-mail—approximately 50 percent

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