The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching: 50 Top Executive Coaches Reveal Their Secrets

(avery) #1


Videoconferencing—less than 10 percent
Group—greater than 20 percent

Analysis and Discussion:There are some surprising results here.
For instance, e-mail, at 50 percent, is far above the expectations of
our analysts. These data suggest that technology is becoming part and
parcel of the coaching experience for both internal and external
coaches. In fact, e-mail and phone rated approximately the same—a
big surprise.

21.How do you contract /structure a coaching intervention?
Specific timeframe—greater than 70 percent
One-time event—less than 30 percent
Ongoing event—greater than 60 percent of the time

Analysis and Discussion:Respondents rated one-time event coach-
ing lowest. In fact, 58 percent of respondents noted “never or almost
never” for coaching as a one-time event.

  1. On what basis do you purchase coaching expertise (in rank order)?

    1. Daily rate

    2. Fixed rate for assignment

    3. Contingency basis

    4. Per individual intervention

Analysis and Discussion:It’s clear that daily rate is the most im-
portant consideration in how respondents purchase coaching expert-
ise from the qualitative discussions with organizations, the higher the
level of coaches the more inclination to daily rate arrangements.

  1. Do you expect your coaching investment to increase this year (check
    all that apply)?
    Entry-level leadership—17 percent
    Middle-level-leadership—30 percent
    Senior-level leadership—25 percent
    Executive-level leadership—35 percent

Analysis and Discussion:What’s interesting about this is that
whereas current spending on various levels of management and leader-
ship clearly is skewed toward senior and executive leadership, these
data suggest that this might change. Respondents suggest middle-level
leadership spending will increase at a significantly higher rate than
entry-level leadership, and even more than at senior-level leadership.
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