The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching: 50 Top Executive Coaches Reveal Their Secrets

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Richard Leideris an expert on life planning and helping people live “on
purpose.” Richard has a unique distinction. Not only do other coaches
recommend him, he has actually been a life coach for five of the coaches on
our list of 50. Richard is the author of several books, including the interna-
tional bestseller, Repacking Your Bags.His work as a speaker on life planning
with Linkage has been very well received.
In the areas of career development and employee retention, Beverly Kaye
is one of Linkage’s most requested and highest-rated speakers. Her book,
Love’em or Lose’em,is the best-selling book ever written on the topic of re-
tention. Beverly is also one of the world authorities on career systems and she
could also qualify in the “leadership development” category. She is an expert
on helping managers develop their people and helping employees take re-
sponsibility for their own careers.
In the field of coaching through the transitions of life and work, William
Bridgesis in a class by himself. He has published multiple books in the field
and is a role model for sharing how his teaching relates to his own personal
transitions. Bill’s newest book, Creating You & Co.,is a handbook for creat-
ing and managing a twenty-first century career. Bill has been ranked as a
Wa l l Street Journal“Top 10” executive educator.
The next nominee is one of the most popular authors and speakers in the
field, Barbara Moses.Over one million people have used Barbara’s Career
Planning Workbook. Fast Companycalled her a “career guru.” When pub-
lisher Dorling Kindersley decided to produce a “career bible,” they con-
ducted an international search of experts and selected Barbara to be the
author. She has a very practical approach that focuses on the complexities of
the new workscape and the needs of the new worker. Along with speaking
and writing, Barbara is also a coach for coaches.
One major segment of the life-coaching category is coaching for personal
productivity. This type of coaching helps leaders (and people in general) un-
derstand the “nuts and bolts” of what they need to do to achieve success and
get things done. Two thought leaders who stand out in this field are Brian
Tr ac y and David Allen.
Brian Tracymay be the most prolific author in all of our thought leader
groups. As we go to press, he has authored 35 books and is the author/narra-
tor of more than 300 audio and video learning programs. His writings,
recordings, and speeches have impacted millions of people. Brian is known
for providing practical advice that people can understand and use.
David Allenis the leading authority on organization and time management
for the new work force. His best-selling book, Getting Things Done: The Ar t
of Stress-Free Productivity,has become a classic in the field. David’s work is

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