The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching: 50 Top Executive Coaches Reveal Their Secrets

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from the beginning, or does it take on new challenges as they arise? Does
the engagement take place within a set period of time, or does it go on in-
definitely, with no clear end, as an extended partnership or “coach-for-life”?
A spectrum definitely exists and over the course of this book we will de-
fine our perspective on the optimal boundaries of that spectrum. Neverthe-
less, as the number of practitioners joining the coaching industry increases,
the inherent looseness within the coaching discipline can create confusion
and dissatisfaction among consumers. How can the consumer know what his
or her organization’s needs are and whether a particular coach can fill those
needs efficiently? Despite the rise of accreditation and certification pro-
grams, it can be difficult to ascertain whether a coach’s expertise and skill
are sufficient for meeting the challenges the organization or leader is facing.
The best coaches come from a wide variety of backgrounds, experiences, and
points of view, although they also share a narrow range of talents and ap-
proaches. Many of these talents and approaches (perception, empathy, the
ability to put oneself in another ’s shoes, etc.) seem more inherent than train-
able. Without knowing who the best coaches are, how does an organization
make a choice? Organizations today have a greatly reduced capacity to put
up with the distraction and expense of outside interventions that don’t ac-
complish the job.
The number of effective and dedicated coaches working today, however,
is greater than ever before. As leaders face increasingly complex interper-
sonal, strategic, and organizational issues, more and better coaches are be-
coming available to help their cause. The current success of coaching as an
industry demonstrates the need at top management levels for outside ex-
pertise, free from any personal agenda. The continuing success of coaching
depends on how well coaches define, structure, and deliver their services in
the future.
This book aims to create more clarity about how coaching meets the de-
mands of today’s leaders, not from a theoretical vantage point, but from an
analysis of how top coaches actually practicetheir art. We hope to educate
clients and coaches to recognize when coaching is necessary; what goals it can
achieve; and what skills, attitudes, and backgrounds the coach needs to pro-
duce successful results.
This chapter describes the considerations, steps, and questions a client
should keep in mind when choosing a coach. To cover these issues, Part I
looks at what a coach does and what common attributes, skills, and orienta-
tions are common to successful coaches. Part II looks at the causes behind
the decision to hire a coach and the criteria that need to be in place to

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