The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching: 50 Top Executive Coaches Reveal Their Secrets

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Challenge the Process

Leaders search for oppor tunitiesby seeking innovative ways to change, grow,
and improve. Leaders also experiment and take risksby constantly generat-
ing small wins and learning from mistakes.

Enable Others to Act

Leaders foster collaborationby promoting cooperative goals and building
trust. They strengthen othersby sharing power and discretion.

Encourage the Heart

To keep hope and determination alive, leaders recognize contributionsby
show ing appreciation for individual excellence. They also celebrate the values
and the victoriesby creating a spirit of community.
When providing individuals with feedback on their leadership competen-
cies, I use The Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI),^5 which Barry and I de-
veloped during our research. The LPI is a highly valid and reliable measure
ofleadership behavior, and we’ve used it since 1986 in a wide variety of or-
ganizational settings and in numerous countries.
Contrary to some in the field of leadership development who advocate
only building on strengths, we believe it’s essential to work on weaknesses as
well. We liken it to a pentathlon. There are five events in a pentathlon, and if
you’re going to compete in it, you have to compete in all five. You can’t say,
“Well, I’m really not a very fast runner, so I think I’ll skip that event.” If you
do, you’re disqualified.
It’s the same with leadership. There are five practices (in our model), and
ifyou’re going to lead, you have to engage in all of them. Sure, you may be
better at some than others, but you still have to improve in all of them. If
you chose not to participate in all of them, you’re disqualified. You’re saying
with your behavior, “I really don’t want to be a better leader.”

The Unity Challenge

To build strong and viable organizations, people must be united in a common
cause—united on where they’re going, united on why they’re going there,
and united on the principles that will guide them on their journey. Although
members may comply with what the leader says, they will not be fully com-
mitted until they own those words themselves. None of us perform at our

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