Skill Checklists for Taylor's Clinical Nursing Skills: A Nursing Process Approach

(Chris Devlin) #1


Copyright © 2011 by Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Skill Checklists for Taylor's Clinical Nursing Skills:

SKILL 5-15

Applying a Transdermal Patch (Continued)


b. Ask the patient to state his or her name and birth date,
based on facility policy.
c. If the patient cannot identify him- or herself, verify the
patient’s identification with a staff member who knows
the patient for the second source.

  1. Complete necessary assessments before administering med-
    ications. Check the patient’s allergy bracelet or ask the
    patient about allergies. Explain the purpose and action of
    each medication to the patient.

  2. Scan the patient’s bar code on the identification band, if

  3. Put on gloves.

  4. Assess the patient’s skin where patch is to be placed, look-
    ing for any signs of irritation or breakdown. Site should be
    clean, dry, and free of hair. Rotate application sites.
    19.Remove any old transdermal patches from the patient’s
    skin.Fold the old patch in half with the adhesive sides
    sticking together and discard according to facility policy.
    Gently wash the area where the old patch was with soap
    and water.

  5. Remove the patch from its protective covering. Initial and
    write the date and time of administration on the label side
    of the patch.

  6. Remove the covering on the patch without touching the
    medication surface. Apply the patch to the patient’s skin.
    Use the palm of your hand to press firmly for about
    10 seconds. Do not massage.

  7. Remove gloves and additional PPE, if used. Perform hand

  8. Document the administration of the medication immediately
    after administration.

  9. Evaluate the patient’s response to medication within the
    appropriate time frame.

ExcellentSatisfactoryNeeds Practice
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