Skill Checklists for Taylor's Clinical Nursing Skills: A Nursing Process Approach

(Chris Devlin) #1


Copyright © 2011 by Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Skill Checklists for Taylor's Clinical Nursing Skills:

Skill Checklists for Taylor's Clinical Nursing Skills:
A Nursing Process Approach, 3rd edition

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Transferring a Patient From the Bed to a Chair

Goal:The transfer is accomplished without injury to patient
or nurse and the patient remains free of any complications
of immobility. Comments

  1. Review the medical record and nursing plan of care for
    conditions that may influence the patient’s ability to move
    or to be positioned. Assess for tubes, IV lines, incisions, or
    equipment that may alter the positioning procedure. Iden-
    tify any movement limitations. Consult patient-handling
    algorithm, if available, to plan appropriate approach to
    moving the patient.

  2. Perform hand hygiene and put on PPE, as indicated.

  3. Identify the patient. Explain the procedure to the patient.

  4. If needed, move equipment to make room for the chair.
    Close curtains around bed and close the door to the room,
    if possible.

  5. Place the bed in the lowest position. Raise the head of
    the bed to a sitting position, or as high as the patient can
    6.Make sure the bed brakes are locked. Put the chair next to
    the bed. If available, lock the brakes of the chair. If the
    chair does not have brakes, brace the chair against a
    secure object.

  6. Encourage the patient to make use of a stand-assist aid,
    either freestanding or attached to the side of the bed, if
    available, to move to the side of the bed and to a side-lying
    position, facing the side of the bed on which the patient
    will sit.

  7. Lower the side rail, if necessary, and stand near the
    patient’s hips. Stand with your legs shoulder width apart
    with one foot near the head of the bed, slightly in front
    of the other foot.

  8. Encourage the patient to make use of the stand-assist
    device. Assist the patient to sit up on the side of the bed;
    ask the patient to swing his or her legs over the side of the
    bed. At the same time, pivot on your back leg to lift the
    patient’s trunk and shoulders. Keep your back straight;
    avoid twisting.

ExcellentSatisfactoryNeeds Practice
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