Skill Checklists for Taylor's Clinical Nursing Skills: A Nursing Process Approach

(Chris Devlin) #1


Developing clinical competency is a major challenge for each fundamentals student. To facilitate the mastery
of nursing skills, we are happy to provide Skill Checklists for each skill in Taylor Clinical Nursing Skills:
A Nursing Process Approach,3rd edition. The skill checklists follow each step of the skill to provide a
complete evaluative tool. Students can use the checklists to facilitate self-evaluation, and faculty will find them
useful in measuring and recording student performance. Three-hole punched and perforated, these checklists
can be easily reproduced and brought to the simulation laboratory or clinical area. The checklists are designed
to record an evaluation of each step of the skill.

  • Checkmark in the “Excellent” column denotes mastering the procedure.

  • Checkmark in the “Satisfactory” column indicates use of the recommended technique.

  • Checkmark in the “Needs Practice” column indicates use of some but not all of each recommended
    The Comments section allows you to highlight suggestions that will improve skills. Space is available at the top
    of each checklist to record a final pass/fail evaluation, date, and the signature of the student and evaluating
    faculty member.

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