Case Studies in Knowledge Management

(Michael S) #1
Governance of Strategies to Manage Organizational Knowledge 87

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corporate structure is shown in Figure 1. There are three silos of research operations.
These are shown in the corporate structure as the Science Laboratories and are known
within the STDO as an RA. A chief officer or research leader is in charge of each operating
division. Each silo has several operating divisions known as Research Area Capabilities
(RACs). Each of these RACs conducts independent research activity. Each reports on
its research and is financially responsible to the director of its RA. Each research activity
is a separate entity contributing to the aims and objectives of the organization as a whole,
but without duplication of activity between divisions.
Within the head office the Policy division and the Corporate Management division
provide policy advice and support and corporate management services to the whole
organization. These include operations such as human resources and information
technology (IT) planning which are centralized.


The prevailing management philosophy in the Department of “Operations,” and
therefore in the STDO, is derived from its departmental environment and from the public
service environment. Both the Australian Public Service and the “Operations” staff are
strongly hierarchal with a clear command and control character. Additionally, since 2000
there have been a series of structures and processes within the organization that have
guided management and corporate governance within the Australian Public Service.
These include statutory accountability and accountability for public monies together
with a new imperative of communication with stakeholders. Further, the governance
structures in the Public Service give a balance of both power and authority to the
organization’s governing body, which includes the chairperson, nonexecutive govern-
ing body members, and executive management. External reporting requirements now
include annual reporting, the use of relevant accounting standards, commitment to
performance measures, and external audit.

Figure 1. STDO corporate structure

Chief Scientist
STDP Corporate
Corp. Management
Science Policy

Platform Sciences
Specialized Division
Specialized Division
Specialized Division
Specialized Division

Specialized Division
Specialized Division
Specialized Division
Specialized Division
Specialized Division

Specialized Division
Specialized Division
Specialized Division
Specialized Division

System Sciences Information Sciences
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