Governance of Strategies to Manage Organizational Knowledge 101
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This case study has looked at the implementation of a KM strategy in the STDO and
has examined the governance mechanisms as a context for the analysis of the ongoing
development of KM strategies and the evaluation of the effectiveness of those strate-
gies. KM governance is specifically the implementation of authority that comprises the
processes and principles that act as a framework to exercise authority that ensures the
effectiveness of strategies to manage organizational knowledge.
The rationale behind the methods employed in the acquisition, distribution, and
utilization of both explicit and tacit forms of knowledge have been described and
analyzed. The strategy is not owned and championed by a single person or department;
it is owned by staff and it is both responsive and responsible to staff and management.
The main challenge faced by the STDO is that of the limited resources for the KM
strategy in an organizational environment where more must be done with less. The STDO
is realistic in its next steps to further implement this strategy. It plans to audit and map
previously untracked tacit resources. It plans to implement the document and record
management system, to implement the organizational yellow pages, to create an alumni
program, to look to embed best practice to minimize knowledge loss, and to create a Web-
based bulletin board to facilitate internal communication so as not overload the e-mail
system. The more challenging issue being looked at is that of the transfer of complex
knowledge that lies between the organization and other organizations. This has been
recognized and is seen as being a long-term proposal requiring in-depth research and
The STDO plans to look at the strategy as it develops — to evaluate what works
and what does not. It will adjust and realign the strategy according to the success or
otherwise of its initiatives. It is empowered both organizationally and geographically by
the representative nature of the IMKM Governance Board. It is willing and able to take
time to look at its actions and to evaluate and revise strategies according to both its
successes and its failures.
This case study has demonstrated the role of governance in the effective delivery
of a KM strategy. Governance processes operate to implement authority through a
framework to ensure the delivery of anticipated benefits in an authorized and regulated
manner. This supports enhanced decision making through effective control of organi-
zational knowledge. The governance framework centralizes the processes to measure
progress, review implementation, and manage the risks of KM. Governance processes
confront the cultural issues, the structural obstacles, and other relevant issues as they
arise during the implementation and ongoing operation of that strategy. The management
of these risks assists in the resolution of such issues and, in turn, strengthens the
strategies to manage knowledge that an organization employs.