Case Studies in Knowledge Management

(Michael S) #1
Developing a Knowledge Management Strategy 121

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Virtual Schoolhouse. The Virtual Schoolhouse (Figure 4) is a cooperative effort between
AFMC/DR and the AF Institute of Technology (AFIT). The Virtual Schoolhouse
provides an integrated Web-based learning management system with over 20
online courses. Its purpose is to support the goal of a fully trained AF acquisition
CoP Workspaces. A CoP is a network of people who share a common goal. CoP
workspaces are virtual environments where members of these CoPs can exchange
information to complete work tasks and solve problems. Each CoP serves a specific
customer set. The AFKM Hub provides workspaces (Figure 5) for a variety of CoPs.

Appendix 3 – Figure 4. Virtual Schoolhouse component

Appendix 3 – Figure 5. CoP Workspaces

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