Case Studies in Knowledge Management

(Michael S) #1

122 Bartczak and England

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AeroCorp’s Contract Deliverables

  1. Deliverable 60 days: AF Knowledge Management Strategic Vision and Plan.
    Description: A document that should incorporate both the cultural and technical
    aspects of the acquisition environment and include a “road map” from the current
    business environment to the envisioned environment.

  2. Deliverable 120 days: AFKM Integration Recommendations Document. Descrip-
    tion: An integration plan that should define user operational requirements with
    detailed cultural and technical consequences as well as time and material require-
    ments to implement the recommendations.

  3. Deliverable: AFKM Integration Blueprint. Description: Based on the approved
    integration plan, the blueprint document should show how the three existing
    knowledge management systems will operate in the new integrated environment.

  4. Deliverable: AFKM Integrated Products. Description: The result of the contractor
    integrating the three AFKM systems using a phased approach. Each integration
    effort should provide a working product that can be accessed by the acquisition
    users in the organizational environment.

  5. Deliverable: AFKM Deployment Plan and Execution. Description: The plan should
    support the deployment of the AFKM system. It should identify user support, and
    release change management support, including training, communications, and
    measurement, as well as time and material requirements.

  6. Deliverable: Ongoing AFKM Sustainment Support. Description: Sustainment
    support should be provided for all AFKM elements. The contractor should provide
    all the functional and technical support necessary for the maintenance and upkeep
    of the Lessons Learned, Help Center, and Virtual Schoolhouse components.

  7. Deliverable: Contractor’s Progress, Status, and Management Report. Descrip-
    tion: The contractor should use a management and cost-tracking system to support
    the AFKM effort and ensure technical and funding requirements are accomplished
    on time and on budget. The contractor should also maintain a continuing dialogue
    with the government program manager to ensure that schedule and budgetary
    requirements are met and potential problems are proactively addressed. The
    contractor will prepare and submit monthly progress and financial reports summa-
    rizing the technical accomplishments and expenditures for each task.

  8. Deliverable: Weekly/Monthly Functional Analysis Support Analysis Reports.
    Description: The contractor should provide fielded system product support
    analysis and readiness assessments as directed by HQ AFMC/DR based upon
    immediate supportability concerns of the command.

  9. Deliverable: 180 Days After Receipt of Order (ARO), Market Research Decision
    Support Tool. Description: The contractor should provide a Web-based decision
    support tool integrated within the Market Research Post Tool.

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