Developing a Knowledge Management Strategy 123
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AeroCorp Cultural and Technical Needs Assessment and
Cultural Needs Assessment—Recommendation Descriptions
- Design a KM Action Plan that combines the results of the Cultural Needs
Assessment with the results of the Technical Needs Assessment. Data from both
assessments will be used to design a “track to action” plan that includes:
- Methodology and systems engineering
- Project management procedures
- Top business technical process needs to streamline for efficiency
- Create a KM communications plan with a centralized formulation strategy.
Establish a clear road map so that the big picture can be articulated to all groups;
this includes leadership support of the decisions communicated. The communica-
tions plan should clearly define why a project is being done and the benefits to the
employees. This should support the mission/vision of AFMC in regards to process
improvement. Document the strategy and create a plan to achieve the strategy and
explain how each project supports the mission/vision. Establish a clear vocabulary
for communication of ideas across teams; standardization of vocabulary for
communication of ideas across groups is essential. Initiate team-building/commu-
nication activities to foster relationships across the organization (dialogue, inquiry
vs. advocacy). Balance being a visionary against execution of jobs. - Perform an Organizational Cultural Inventory (OCI) across AFMC. The OCI
expands the point-in-time picture of the AFMC culture collected in this report to
include a broader pool. The OCI pinpoints 12 specific types of behavioral norms
which focus on behavioral patterns that members believe are required to accom-
modate the expectations of the organization. Norms are organized into three general
clusters that distinguish between constructive cultures, passive/defensive cul-
tures, and aggressive/defensive cultures. In addition to measuring shared behav-
ioral norms, the OCI will also identify the ideal operating culture within an
organization, providing an opportunity for quantitative data collection on informa-
tion about the organization’s culture at multiple levels, and add additional confir-
mation to this qualitative Cultural Needs Assessment. This cultural alignment tool
will determine the cultural issues prevalent within AFMC. - Develop a KM transition plan from current practices to the new KM system. Create
a plan of action identifying those items that are helping and hindering AFMC from
moving toward their business direction; determine the present state of organiza-
tion, the desired state, and what must occur during the transition from one to the
other. This transition plan should include both internal and external changes within
the organization and do the following:- Create or incorporate a change management plan that focuses on cultural (and
technical) issues within AFMC. A great deal of disillusionment, discourage-
ment, and resistance may need to be overcome. Include a cohesive story of
- Create or incorporate a change management plan that focuses on cultural (and