Case Studies in Knowledge Management

(Michael S) #1
Supporting Research and Development Processes 167

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in several similar specifications. Additionally the machine manufacturing company
required that a new concept for optimizing knowledge and information transfer among
the different departments, should support

  • integration of know-how of all company departments (e.g., sales, assembly,

  • reduction of the cycle time for machine development projects;

  • serial production has to start right after finishing the R&D project;

  • providing up-to-date information about R&D projects for all employees;

  • and should also be complementary to an overall “integrated product development
    process,” which was worked out and applied in this company.


To solve the problems, a new concept concerning exchange and transfer of
information, knowledge, experience, and know-how had to be developed. Current
literature and cases only provide theoretical background and some examples for large
firms, which made it necessary to adapt existing approaches and mix them with a new

Current State Analysis

During the current state analysis the existing “integrated product development
process” as well as the split of functions among the departments were analyzed.
Additionally the employees’ concerns have been integrated during an online survey
about special topics, which was completed by 35 employees from several departments.
This was a very good response rate (47 employees had received an invitation). Some
completed questionnaires made no sense, so they had to be omitted.
Results of the current state analysis were (including questionnaires and interviews)
as follows:

  • No clear work order between development and construction

  • Demand for an increase of informal communication to foster the exchange (large
    projects involve up to 40 employees)

  • Employees think that the workload of their own and their branch is very high

  • A structured project result handover is needed (Figure 1)

  • Reuse of essential documents is often not possible

The organizational analysis (structure, products) detected further problems caused
by the strong increase of staff, no existing team or project coordination structures, and
extreme pressure from market. New product development is often the starting point for
a complete replacement of a whole product series. Based on the high complexity of the
development process, changes during the prototype design and later on during the series
production cause high efforts.
As a major point of the survey, the project handover between development and
construction department had been analyzed in more details:

  • Delivery of project results can be done by exchange of documents, but parts must
    be supported by communication or discussion processes.

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