Case Studies in Knowledge Management

(Michael S) #1
Supporting Research and Development Processes 177

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Project and Result Transfer Workshop

As described in Figure 6, the concept includes also a workshop for defining how
to transfer the project itself and special results between development department and
construction department. This workshop initializes the transfer phase and must already
be planned for in the overall project plan. The main subject of the transfer workshop is
the formulation of a detailed transfer plan. Participants are largely the same as in the target
definition workshop.
A moderator (external) prepares afterward a protocol and a transfer plan in digital
media. The protocol and transfer plan must be committed by each participant of the
workshop, which is done by using the project management software and its feedback
functionality. The project transfer plan provides a summary of what, who, with whom,
when, and in which way it has to be delivered. As an instrument for planning, execution,
and control, a transfer matrix has been developed, which is described in more detail in
another section.
A precondition of a successful application is the ongoing documentation of
activities and results done by technical topic groups during the development process.

Project and result transfer workshop:

  • Participants: leaders of participating departments and (if possible) opinion leaders

  • Responsibility: project manager (for preparation and execution of workshop)

  • Preconditions: activities and outputs are already in required form included in the
    project transfer matrix

  • Content: specification of single elements of project transfer matrix, such as priority,
    start-end dates, responsible persons, and participants of transfer

  • Goal: detailed planning of transfer, which is done during the execution of the
    transfer phase (III)

Figure 6. Concept detail – part 2

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