Case Studies in Knowledge Management

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About the Authors 361

Ivy Chan is an instructor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She received her PhD
in business administration from the School of Business at the University of Hong Kong.
Her research interests include knowledge management, information systems planning,
and organizational learning.

Patrick Y.K. Chau is a professor of information systems at the University of Hong Kong.
He received his PhD in business administration from the Richard Ivey School of Business
at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. His research interests include IS/IT
adoption and implementation, decision support systems, and information presentation
and model visualization. He has published in journals such as MIS Quarterly, Commu-
nications of the ACM, Journal of Management Information Systems, Decision Sciences,
Information and Management, and Journal of Organizational Computing and Elec-
tronic Commerce.

Elayne Coakes is senior lecturer in Business Information Management at the Westminster
Business School, University of Westminster (UK), teaching Strategies for Information
Management and Knowledge Management as well as e-Business Strategies. Her research
interests relate to the sociotechnical aspects of information systems especially knowledge
management systems and at Westminster she is the co-ordinator of a research cluster, looking
at Information and Knowledge Management. She is a member of the British Computer
Society’s Sociotechnical Specialist Group and active in promoting this view of information
systems strategy and development. She has co-edited a number of books in this, and in the
knowledge management field, as well as writing conference papers, articles in journals and
several chapters in books. Elayne is also an Associate Editor of OR Insight with special
responsibility for knowledge management and recently edited a special edition of the journal
JORS on knowledge management and intellectual capital. Her PhD (Brunel Univesrity, UK)
relates to a sociotechnical view of the insufficiencies of boundaries and stakeholders in the
strategic planning of information systems.

Lynne P. Cooper is a senior engineer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) where she
divides her time between developing Mars science instruments and knowledge manage-
ment to support JPL proposal development and flight projects. She received her BS in
electrical and computer engineering from Lehigh University and MS in computer
engineering from USC. Her work has been published in Management Science and the
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. She is currently a PhD candidate
in industrial and systems engineering at the University of Southern California investi-
gating how risk operates within project teams. Her awards include the NASA Exceptional
Service Medal for her work in automation, and the Best Paper, Academy of Management
Organizational Communication and Information Systems Division (2001).

Gail Corbitt is a full professor at California State University where she is currently the
department chair of accounting and MIS. Her teaching specialty is software development
and ERP systems. Her teaching experience includes 18 years in the California State
University system. Her PhD in management information systems is from the University
of Colorado at Boulder. She also has more than 15 years of experience working in systems
environments plus several consulting engagements that have offered students real-

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