Case Studies in Knowledge Management

(Michael S) #1

362 About the Authors

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world experience or research opportunities. Areas of research and/or consulting include
SAP/ERP implementation, business process redesign, and collaborative group technol-
ogy. Gail has worked with several organizations including Hewlett Packard, Chevron,
U.S. Navy, Intel, BASF, Simpson Paper Company, California Prison Authority, and the
Huber Company. She had faculty internships at both Chevron (1997, 2002) and Hewlett
Packard (10 months in 1999–2000) where she worked on SAP implementation projects.
She was an SAP Distinguished Scholar for three years and currently serves on the
Advisory Boards for the SAP Academic Alliance in the Americas and for International

David T. Croasdell is on the information systems faculty in the Accounting and Computer
Information Systems Department at the University of Nevada, Reno. Dr. Croasdell’s
research interests include distributed knowledge systems, knowledge networks, knowl-
edge management, organizational memory, and inquiring organizations. Dave has pub-
lished in outlets such as the Information Systems Management Journal, Communica-
tions of the Association of Information Systems, IS Frontiers, Australian Journal of
Information Systems, and Annals of Cases on Information Technology. He cochairs the
knowledge management research track at HICSS.

Sally Dexter is currently completing a doctoral thesis exploring knowledge sharing
among informal networks in a collaborative multiagency project within the public sector.
Sally brings to the research field experience gained over a 15-year career spanning
business operations, communications, and information systems. Her research interests
include public and private sector knowledge management, cross-cultural knowledge
management, and gender issues in information systems.

Peter Duchessi is an associate professor in the Department of Information Technology
Management, School of Business, University at Albany. His areas of expertise include
business planning and transformation, service management, operations management,
information technology management, and e-commerce. He also lectures at the Graduate
School of Business Administration, Switzerland, and the Universidad del Salvador,
Argentina, and provides consulting and management education services to a number of
international companies, including GE, Siemens AG, and Arthur D. Little. He publishes
regularly in leading business journals, including California Management Review,
Management Science, Journal of Management Information Systems, and European
Journal of Operational Research.

Ashish Dwivedi is currently a senior lecturer at Hull University Business School, UK. His
primary research interest is in the application of information and communication tech-
nologies (ICT) and knowledge management (KM) paradigms on organizational decision
making, which was also his PhD research topic, received in 2004. One of the main areas
of concern in KM is that there are no commonly accepted methodologies and a standard
framework, despite the fact that the KM paradigm is recognised as an area of significant
importance. He has additional interests in the use of ICT, data warehousing, decision
support systems, and intelligent data mining.

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