Case Studies in Knowledge Management

(Michael S) #1

48 Abdel-Aziz and Wahba

Copyright © 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written

Wah, L. (2001). Making knowledge stick. The Knowledge Management Yearbook 2000-
2001. Butterworth Heinemann.


(^1) For confidentiality reasons, the name “CITE” has been given instead of the original
name of the company under study.


Interview Question

System Quality

Technical Resources
(To: IS support team)

  1. What is the type and capacity of your networking infrastructure, and what is its
    degree of availability?

  2. What is the type and capacity of your hardware servers and desktop clients, and
    what is their degree of availability?

  3. What are the types of software solutions and software packages used to implement
    your OMIS?

  4. What tools are used to capture and gather knowledge?

  5. How is knowledge captured and gathered?

  6. How are documents analyzed (in terms of text analysis and feature extraction)?

  7. How is knowledge categorized?

  8. What tools are used for knowledge distribution, sharing, and collaboration?

  9. Have the users had training on how to use the organizational memory?

The Level of OMIS
(To: PS consultants)

  1. Is the search and retrieval easy?

  2. Can search and retrieval be done online?

  3. Are search queries easy to structure and communicate?

  4. What is the speed at which information can be retrieved?

  5. What is the degree of completeness of the search function?

  6. Does the OMIS provide a mechanism to discuss work-related issues and to archive
    these discussions? How?

(To: IS support team)

  1. Is the knowledge for corporate memory collected actively or passively (e.g., do you
    have someone dedicated to maintain the knowledge base)? How?

  2. Is the knowledge in the organizational memory distributed actively or passively?

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