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32 | New Scientist | 29 January 2022

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Editor’s pick

Why disagreeable and
introverted can be good
15 January, p 46
From James Buzolic,
Coolum Beach, Queensland, Australia
Miriam Frankel ended her article
on how to alter your personality
with a call for self-acceptance.
I would echo that. Ratings for the
big five personality traits all start
at 0 and go to 100 per cent,
and the assumption seems to
be that it is desirable to score well
for extroversion, agreeableness,
conscientiousness and openness
to experience, rather than being
neurotic, say.
However, I for one wouldn’t
like those scientists who worked
long hours late into the night on
covid-19 vaccines to be any less
introverted. Meanwhile, it can be
useful when disagreeable people
challenge our assumptions.
People who see enough good in
us to be our friends can make up for
what we lack, organising us if we
lack conscientiousness, coaxing us
to outings or accompanying us on
that world trip or visit to a museum
or art gallery. We, too, can be that
kind of person for others. We don’t
have to have it all ourselves. While
we may need to do something if our
personality is causing us problems,
“if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.

When we put low-alcohol
beer to the ultimate test
8 January, p 34
From John Carpenter,
Bishop’s Waltham, Hampshire, UK
Graham Lawton’s article on
alcohol-free and low-alcohol
beers was fascinating. In the late
1980s, when I was a pharmacology
lecturer at the University of
Manchester, UK, a large brewery
company asked me and my
late colleague, John Rees, to look
at the relationship between
consumption of low-alcohol
beer (1 per cent ABV) and blood
alcohol concentration.
One of the questions was: how

much 1 per cent beer can a person 
drink before exceeding the drink-
drive limit in the UK? We had
plenty of willing volunteers for
the tests, but we never managed
to get anyone’s blood alcohol
concentration above the legal limit,
no matter how much of this beer
we gave them. In fact, the limiting
factor was the volume of liquid
volunteers were able to drink.

In the metaverse, no
one will be able to hug
8 January, p 39
From Michael Peel, London, UK
The idea of conducting life
virtually in a metaverse is
unappealing on various grounds.
Above all, if there is one thing we
have learned from the pandemic, it
is the importance of interpersonal
contact. The technology of the
virtual hug is a long way away. It
would be very easy for an avatar to
fake empathy, but I don’t think we
would feel any emotional benefit.

Put the kettle on and
solve another paradox
8 January, p 44
From David Thorpe,
Llandovery, Carmarthenshire, UK
Your mention of the Jevons
paradox, the shift to greater
energy use despite improvements
in energy efficiency, illustrates the
fallacy of relying on logic alone.
While the example of
continually increasing internet
usage cancelling out any efficiency
gains does have logic behind it,
this isn’t the case for all uses of
energy. For example, there are
only so many cups of tea you can
drink in a day, so increasing the
efficiency of kettles is a good idea.
The real problem is that money
saved via energy efficiency still
gets spent on something that has

a carbon footprint. That means
much of our footprint gets
exported to other countries from
which manufactured goods are
bought. The only way out of this
paradox is to make every supply
chain in the world as efficient as
possible in a circular economy.

Super nature could
undo the supergrid
1 January, p 8
From Susan Hinton,
Santa Clara, California, US
As a Californian who, over the
years, has seen earthquake, fire
and flooding damage, I see a
super-sized problem with the idea
of supergrids for electrical supply.
A single fit of nature, be it extreme
winds or a sizeable earthquake,
could take down an entire solar
farm in one fell swoop.
While long-distance cables and
large energy production farms
may be part of our energy future,
it must also include rooftop solar
and dispersed local solutions.
Dispersed, but connected, energy
production is more resilient than
large single points of failure.

Why ‘rational’ scientists
sometimes get irrational
11 December 2021, p 46
From Richard Swifte,
Darmstadt, Germany
Regarding Steven Pinker’s stated
key mechanisms for irrational
beliefs, I think the potential loss
of self-esteem is also a key factor
in many people clinging to such
beliefs in the face of reason.
There are many examples
of scientists, who one would
expect to always base their
opinions on logical reasoning,
failing to abandon some long-
cherished belief when new
evidence builds up to the contrary.

It must be hard for anyone
who has established a reputation
among peers, and maybe based
a whole career on a particular
scientific belief, to admit to being
wrong, with the subsequent loss
of face and possible ridicule.

Biochar seems a safer bet
for forest carbon capture
Letters, 8 January
Dave Smith,
Alnwick, Northumberland, UK
Reader Geoff Harding points to
the opportunity of storing carbon
by regrowing trees in the Amazon.
Sadly, the November winds that
knocked down many trees here
in Northumberland illustrate the
problem with such offsetting: it
may be merely temporary.
One option could be to use
renewable energy to generate a
sustainable biochar industry by
pyrolysis of trees that are nearing
the end of their active growth. The
resulting terra preta (black soil)
has long been used in the Amazon
to improve soil fertility. The
carbon in biochar is stable and the
bio oil that is also produced could
be a useful source of energy.

Sharpen the razor and turn
it on the quantum world
18/25 December, p 70
David Strachan,
Llanbister, Powys, UK
If Occam’s razor is the best tool
in seeking simpler answers to
the question of how life and
the universe work, as Johnjoe
McFadden says, is it time to
apply it to 11-dimensional
string theory and some other
opaque and complex ideas
in quantum physics? ❚

For the record
❚  The US Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention
advises people with covid-19
to self-isolate for five days
after testing positive or from
the day their symptoms
start (15 January, p 9).

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