History of the Christian Church, Volume VII. Modern Christianity. The German Reformation.

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(French trans., Amsterdam, 1751, 10 vols. 4to); Salazar de Mendoza (Madrid, 1770–71, 3 vols.
fol.); Modesto Lafuente (Vols. XI. and XII., 1853), etc.
II. Biographies. Charles dictated to his secretary, William Van Male, while leisurely sailing on the
Rhine, from Cologne to Mayence, in June, 1550, and afterwards at Augsburg, under the
refreshing shade of the Fugger gardens, a fragmentary autobiography, in spanish or French,
which was known to exist, but disappeared, until Baron Kervyn de Lettenhove, member of the
Royal Academy of Belgium, discovered in the National Library at Paris, in 1861, a Portuguese
translation of it, and published a French translation from the same, with an introduction, under
the title: Commentaires de Charles-Quint, Brussels, 1862. An English translation by Leonard
Francis Simpson: The Autobiography of the Emperor Charles V., London, 1862 (161 and xlviii.
pp.]. It is a summary of the Emperor’s journeys and expeditions ("Summario das Viages e
Jornadas"), from 1516 to 1548. It dwells upon the secular events; but incidentally reveals, also,
his feelings against the Protestants, whom he charges with heresy, obstinacy, and insolence,
and against Pope Paul III., whom he hated for his arrogance, dissimulation, and breach of
promise. Comp. on this work, the introduction of Lettenhove (translated by Simpson), and the
acute criticism of Ranke, vol. vi. 75 sqq.
Alfonso Ulloa: Vita di Carlo V., Venet., 1560. Sandoval: Histoiria de la Vida y Hechos del
Emperadòr Carlos Quinto, Valladolid, 1606 (Pampelona, 1618; Antwerp, 1681, 2 vols.).
Sepulveda (Whom the Emperor selected as his biographer): De Rebus Gestis Caroli V.
lmperatoris, Madrid, 1780 (and older editions). G. Leti: Vita del Imperatore Carlo V., 1700,
4vols. A. de Musica (in Menckenius, Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum, vol. I., Leipzig, 1728).
William Robertson (d. 1793): The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V., London,
1769, 3 vols.; 6th ed., 1787, 4 vols.; new ed. of his Works, London, 1840, 8 vols. (vols. III.,
IV., V.); best ed., Phila. (Lippincott) 1857, 3 vols., with a valuable supplement by W. H. Prescott
on the Emperor’s life after his abdication, from the archives of Simancas (III., 327–510).
Hermann Baumgarten: Geschichte Karls V., Stuttgart, 1885 sqq. (to embrace 4 vols.; chiefly
based on the English Calendars and the manuscript diaries of the Venetian historian Marino
III. Documents and Treatises on special parts of his history. G. Camposi: Carlo V. in Modena (in
Archivio Storico Italiano, Florence, 1842–53, 25 vols., App.). D. G. van Male: Lettres sur la
vie intérieure de l’Empéreur Charles-Quint, Brussels, 1843. K. Lanz: Correspondenz des Kaisers
Karl V. aus dem kaiserlichen Archiv und der Bibliothèque de Burgogne in Brussel, Leipzig,
1844–46, 3 vols.; Staatspapiere zur Geschichte des Kaisers Karl V., Stuttgart, 1845; and
Actenstücke und Briefe zur Geschichte Karls V., Wien, 1853–57. G. Heine: Briefe an Kaiser
Karl V., geschrieben von seinem Beichtvater (Garcia de Loaysa) in den Jahren 1530–32, Berlin,
1848 (from the Simancas archives). Sir W. Maxwell Stirling: The Cloister-Life of Charles V.,
London, 1852. F. A. A. Mignet: Charles-Quint; son abdication, son séjour et sa mort au monastère
de Yuste, Paris, 1854; and Rivalité de François I. et de Charles-Quint, 1875, 2 vols. Amédée
Pichot: Charles-Quint, Chronique de sa vie intérieure et de sa vie politique, de son abdication
et de sa retraite dans le cloître de Yuste, Paris, 1854. Gachart (keeper of the Belgic archives):
Retraite et mort de Charles-Quint au monastère de Yuste (the original documents of Simancas),
Brussels. 1854–55, 2 vols.; Correspondance de Charles-Quint et de Adrien VI., Brussels, 1859.
Henne: Histoire du règne de Charles V. en Belgique, Brussels, 1858 sqq., 10 vols. Th. Juste:
Les Pays-bas sous Charles V., 1861. Giuseppe de Leva: Storia documentata di Carlo V. in

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