c09 JWBS043-Rogers September 13, 2010 11:26 Printer Name: Yet to Come
FIGURE 9.2 A liquid–vapor coexistence curve. Fixing the temperature atT*automatically
fixes the pressure atp*for coexisting phases of a pure substance.
gas means that their free energies must be equal:
μH 2 O(l)=μH 2 O(g)
An equation restricting the variables to a fixed ratio reduces the number ofinde-
pendentvariables by one. Now, by specifying either the temperature or the pressure,
the other variable is no longer free. There is still an infinite number of possible free
energies, but they are contiguous points on a line. Each specificTdefines a coexisting
state at pressurep. The locus of points at which liquid and vapor can coexist is called
thecoexistence curve.IfTis changed by a small arbitrary amount,pautomatically
adjusts to an appropriate value to maintain the equilibrium and stay on the curve. The
coexistence curve can now be completely described in two dimensions,pon the ver-
tical axis as a function of an independent variableTon the horizontal axis (Fig. 9.2).
The point representing the system is no longer free to move over a two-dimensional
p–Vplane; it is restricted to the curve. The system has lost one degree of freedom.
The liquid–vapor coexistence curve is not unique, nor is its exponential shape.
Solids also exist in equilibrium with the vapor phase. That is why you can smell
solids like naphthalene. Solids have an exponential (or approximately exponential)
coexistence curve too, marking their equilibrium boundary with vapor, as seen at the
left of Fig. 9.3. Of course, there is also a coexistence curve between solids and liquids
(melting points), which normally has a positive slope as in Fig. 9.3. In the unusual
case of water, the slope of the solid-liquid coexistence line is negative which is why
you can ice skate.^4 The three curves taken together on ap–Tsurface constitute aphase
diagram. As we shall see, phase diagrams are a very general way of representing all
manner of coexistence curves.
At thecritical point(Section 2.4), there is no longer a distinction between a liquid
and a nonideal gas. Like the critical point, thetriple pointis unique to each pure
substance. It cannot be changed by altering external conditionspandT. It hasno
degrees of freedom.
(^4) How can there be a connection between a physical chemistry coexistence curve and ice skating? Think
about it.