c09 JWBS043-Rogers September 13, 2010 11:26 Printer Name: Yet to Come
n 2
FIGURE 9.6 Partial molar volume as the slope ofVvs.n 2. The lower line givesVm 2 as
n 2 →0, and the upper tangent line givesVm 2 at a specific concentrationn 2 =0.
component as the solute and the greater component as the solvent. In many cases, the
choice is obvious, for example, in KCl solutions in water, KCl is clearly the solute.
Evidently, from Fig. 9.6, the partial molar volume of one component, which we
have chosen to call the solute, is the slope of one of the solid lines found by measuring
the volume increment upon adding small amounts of component 2 to large amounts
of component 1. In real solutions, these lines need not be straight; the partial molar
volume of the solute is found in the limit asdn 2 →0.
RecognizingVm 2 as the slope of the function ofVvs.n 2 means that we have the
Vm 2 =
∂n 2
T,p,n 1
This slope can be found anywhere on the entire curve of experimentally measured
total volume vs.X 2 , whereXn 2 =n 2 /(n 1 +n 2 ). NowVm 2 is defined as the volume
change found upon adding an infinitesimal amount of component 2 to a solution of
compositionX 2 specified by a horizontal distance along theX 2 axis; for example,
X 2 = 0 .20 in Fig. 9.7.
0 1
X 2
FIGURE 9.7 Volume behavior of a nonideal binary solution.X 2 is the mole fraction of
component 2.