Concise Physical Chemistry

(Tina Meador) #1

c10 JWBS043-Rogers September 13, 2010 11:26 Printer Name: Yet to Come


For example, if a bromide ion collided with an alkyl alcohol, in all likelihood it
would collide with the “wrong” part of the molecule.

Br−+CH 3 (CH 2 )nCH 2 OH→No Reaction

Only rarely would it collide with the OH group, resulting in reaction.


CH 3 (CH 2 )nCH 2 OH→OH−+CH 3 (CH 2 )nCH 2 Br

The probability factorPwould be correspondingly low.


A critical factor determining the rate of a chemical reaction is the activation enthalpy,
which is the differenceaHbetween the reactant enthalpy and the relatively unstable
activated complex. We can write


whereHacis the enthalpy of the activated complex andHris the enthalpy of the
reactant molecule. Hehre (2006) has computed several activation enthalpies, including
one for the isomerization of methyl isocyanide to acetonitrile:

CH 3 N C→CH 3 C N

The postulated activated intermediate is the three-membered ring

CH 3


This energetic species does not lend itself to experimental study, but it can be treated
computationally. Results from some computational kinetics studies are roughly com-
parable to measured values, but this is a difficult field because computed activation
enthalpies are very sensitive to the estimated structure of the activated complex and
the rate constant is an exponential function ofaH.
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