(Nancy Kaufman) #1

24 COSMOGIRL! MEI 2016 LOOK fashion gossipfoto:``````teenvogue. penulis: delfania.BEST SPRINGO U T F I TSpring is here! para celeb areembracing the spring vibe.Berikut adalah gaya para seleb Hollywood yang bisa kamucontek untuk sehari-hari!``````BElla HadId``````CHIaRa FERRaGNI``````MIlEy CyRUS“70s Mileysmiley”``````ZOE KRavITZ``````“Gaya sportyBella yangtetap cute!”``````lIly ROSE-dEPP“Denim goes effortlesslychic with white”``````GIlda aMBROSIO“Coat denimyang oversizeddengan aksenwool yang nggakterkesan berat”``````PaNdORa SyKES“Rock the daywith leatherand red”``````SOFIa RICHIE“Gayasederhanadengan roksuede”``````“Denim fromhead-to-toe? 90svibe is here!”``````“Oh-so pastel!”``````STElla MaxwEll“Biar warna hitamnggak monoton?Tambahkan distraksi!”Coat ini contohnya!``````KIERNaN SHIPKa“Red, Blue, White!”

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