Read Slade Gorton\'s Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
8 sLAde goRton: A hALf centuRy in poLitics

gone, however, they’ll be debating what he was really like for a long, long
He won’t much care:
“I’ve had an absolutely marvelous life!”

Members of the “Gorton School of Public Affairs”—as opposed to “Clinton’s School of Affairs
That Have Become Public”—pose with Slade in 1998. Kellie Carlson is first at left in row two.
Creigh Agnew and Mariana Parks are third and sixth from left in the first row. Veda Jellen is
looking over Slade’s left shoulder in the third row. Heidi Biggs is second from left in the third
row, while JoAnn Poysky, Gorton’s longtime administrative assistant, is fourth from left. Law
& Politics magazine

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