Religious Rivalries in the Early Roman Empire and the Rise of Christianity

(Nora) #1
R. they do not claim repayment from him [that is, the Gentile, on the
days prior to his holy day].
S. And that which is not secured by written contract [that is, made by
verbal covenant only]—
T. they claim repayment from him,
U. because one is like one who rescues [something] from them [that is,
the risk of permanent loss is higher].
A. One may not buy [from] and sell [to] a Gentile on the day of his holy
B. And one may not engage in frivolity with him.
C. And one may not inquire after their well-being in a [private] place,
[that is,] where he [the Gentile] commiserates [with others].
D. But if he [the Israelite] happens upon him [the Gentile] on his way
[in public], he [the Israelite] inquires after his [the Gentile’s] well-
being politely.
E. They inquire after the well-being of Gentiles on their holy days
because of [the importance of promoting] peaceful co-existence.
A. Workers of an Israelite who are doing work for a Gentile [and it is
the Gentile’s holy day]—
B. [work being done] in the house of the Israelite
C. is permitted,
D. and [work being done] in the house of the Gentile
E. is forbidden.
F. R. Simeon b. Eleazar says:
G. If [the worker] is a [casual] day-laborer,
H. whether [the work is being done] in the house of the Israelite,
I. or [the work is being done] in the house of the Gentile,
J. it is forbidden.
K. If [the worker] is a contractor [that is, paid when the entire project
is completed]—
L. [work being done] in the house of the Israelite
M. is permitted;
N. [but work being done] in the house of the Gentile
O. is forbidden.
P. With respect to immovable [i.e., real] property—
Q. whether one or the other,
R. [the work] is forbidden.
S. And [when the work is being done] in another city—
T. whether one or the other,
U. [the work] is permitted.

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