Religious Rivalries in the Early Roman Empire and the Rise of Christianity

(Nora) #1

Again, the Tosefta,with its penchant for social differentiation, provides
an apt example at t. Avodah Zarah3:1–3, which complements m. Avodah
Zarah2:1 by contrasting the status of Gentiles and Samaritans with respect
to the social spheres of contracting the care of animals, wet nursing, edu-
cation and apprenticing. Tosefta Avodah Zarah3:1–3 (ed. Zuckermandel) is
as follows (my translation):

A. They billet an animal [of an Israelite] in [the stables of] inns of
Cutheans [i.e., Samaritans],
B. even male [animal]s at [inns operated by] female [innkeeper]s,
C. and female [animal]s at [inns operated by] male [innkeeper]s,
D. and female [animal]s at [inns operated by] female [innkeeper]s.
E. And they hand over an animal [of an Israelite] to one of their shep-
herds [for care].
F. And they hand over to him a child in order to teach him reading and
writing (øôñ åãîìì),
G. and to teach him a trade,
H. and to be alone with him.
I. An Israelite woman performs midwifery and provides wet nursing
for the child of a Samaritan woman.
J. And the Samaritan woman performs midwifery and provides wet
nursing for the child of an Israelite woman.
K. They do not billet an animal [of an Israelite] in [the stables of]
inns of Gentiles (íéåâ),
L. even male [animal]s at [inns operated by] male [innkeeper]s,
M. and female [animal]s at [inns operated by] female [innkeeper]s,
N. because the male [innkeeper] has intercourse with the male [ani-
O. and the female [innkeeper] has intercourse with the female [ani-
P. And there is no need to mention [prohibiting the billeting of] male
[animals] at [the inns of] female [innkeeper]s,
Q. and female [animals] at [the inns of] male [innkeeper]s.
R. And they do not hand over an animal [of an Israelite] to one of their
shepherds [for care].
S. And they do not hand over to him a child in order to teach him read-
ing and writing (øôñ åãîìì),
T. and to teach him a trade,
U. and to be alone with him.

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