The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet, Second Edition: An Innovative Program that Detoxifies Your Body's Acidic Waste to Prevent Disease and Restore Overall Health

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Lung Disorders 129

That high insulin levels in response to elevated blood sugar are a
major factor in asthmatic attacks is confi rmed by the fact that type 1
diabetics who have low insulin levels don’t get asthma or any other type
of allergic reaction.
To protect the lungs against immune reactions that can occur as a
result of malfunctioning insulin and adrenal glands (the adrenal cortex
in asthmatics doesn’t secrete enough cortisone), supplements of pancre-
atic enzymes and adrenal extract should be taken. Vitamin C (it is
stored in the adrenals) also helps normalize the function of these glands.
Harry N. Holmen, Ph.D., describes the relief of eighteen asthmatic
patients who were given vitamin C supplements.^4
Avoiding the consumption of white fl our and white sugar is the most
important factor in keeping blood sugar levels from escalating and, by
doing so, maintaining normal insulin levels. Honey is a good substitute
for white sugar if it is unfi ltered and unheated because it contains levu-
lose, a type of sugar that, unlike dextrose, maltose, and sucrose, is
absorbed into the blood so slowly it doesn’t cause blood sugar levels to
rise excessively. Dark honey is preferable because it contains the most
levulose. Lightly cooked white potatoes are also effective in maintain-
ing normal blood sugar levels—contrary to what you hear and read
about them. Starch is ordinarily converted into sugar in the blood,
causing blood sugar levels to rise. The exception is the starch in pota-
toes. That’s because potatoes aren’t digested. They break down by the
process of fermentation in the large intestine, where there is no insulin
to convert the starch into sugar. As a result, white potatoes actually
lower blood sugar.

Nutritional Treatments for Asthma

The asthmatic’s problems with acidic blood and breath as well as toxic
gas in the lungs call for the reduction of acidic waste not only in the
lungs but in the entire body. The high alkaline content of celery and
dandelion leaf juice neutralizes some of the acidity in the lungs and the
rest of the body. Celery, carrot, and endive juice clears mucus and acidic
debris from the lungs. It also eliminates carbon dioxide that the alveoli
in the lungs are too constricted to exhale. Since asthma is often trig-
gered by a backup of toxic waste that fl ows into the lungs from the liver,
kidneys, and colon—waste that is the product of incomplete digestion
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