The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet, Second Edition: An Innovative Program that Detoxifies Your Body's Acidic Waste to Prevent Disease and Restore Overall Health

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148 Achieving pH Balance to Treat Specific Ailments

Emily used magnetic energy to take away the pain in her arthritic
wrists. Attaching a magnetic pad to each wrist with a Velcro band, she
wore them to bed at night. In a few days her wrists no longer ached.


My mother had osteoporosis. She wondered why she had excess calcium
deposited on the surface of her bones where it wasn’t supposed to be but
didn’t have enough calcium inside her bones where it should be. Of
course, the calcium deposits on the surface of bone joints and vertebrae
had once been part of her bone structure. She had suffered a loss of
calcium either because there was a more pressing need for it elsewhere
in her body or because acidic waste in the watery fl uid surrounding the
bones had dissolved some of the bone mass. The loss of bone mass in
my mother’s wrist bones when she was only thirty-fi ve was so great that
an x-ray showed them to be hollow.
Calcium is leached from the bones and absorbed by the blood when
it is needed elsewhere in the body. Suffi cient blood calcium is neces-
sary for the nerves to perform such vital functions as controlling the
heartbeat, regulating the secretion of hormones, and digesting and
assimilating food. It also alkalinizes the nerves and blood when they
are too acidic. In cases of hyperacidity, calcium is more important to
the nerves and circulatory system than it is to the bones, so the body
sacrifi ces bone mass to keep the pH of the blood balanced. Excessive
acid in the arterial blood, a pH of 6.95, although not that much lower
than the normal 7.4, can cause coma and death. To prevent this,
alkaline-forming calcium combines with the excess acid and solidifi es.
It becomes calcium carbonate and is deposited on the bone joints and
The body reduces bone mass not only to obtain calcium but also to
replenish its supply of energy. Enzymes split calcium molecules down
the middle to release packets of energy, called adenosine triphosphate
(ATP), tucked inside the calcium.
As hyperacidity in the blood and fl uids surrounding the bones is the
cause of all forms of bone degeneration, a diet that leaves behind as
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