The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet, Second Edition: An Innovative Program that Detoxifies Your Body's Acidic Waste to Prevent Disease and Restore Overall Health

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Bone Health 149

little acidic waste as possible is the fi rst prerequisite (see Chapter 2).
When acidity is reduced, it gives the joints a chance to heal. The second
most important means of accomplishing this is to eat foods high in
alkaline particles (electrons) and mucilage—partially cooked or raw
potatoes, celery, and gelatin sprinkled on foods or in drinks. (For the
best-quality gelatin, see Resources.) Gelatin also regenerates the bone
because it contains a form of calcium that is more easily absorbed than
any other.
Individuals with osteoporosis can take several measures to rebuild
their bone mass so as to avoid the two major health problems that it
causes: (1) fractures of the lower forearm and, in later life, of the hip,
and (2) loss of height from curvature of the spine and legs. The mineral
strontium is probably the most effective supplement for building bone
mass in cases of osteoporosis. Strontium nourishes the cells whose
function is to produce new bone cells and at the same time reduces the
activity of the cells that dispose of worn-out bone cells.
If taken long enough strontium lactate—or in fact any form of stron-
tium—can eliminate radioactive strontium-90 from the body. Stron-
tium is structurally close to calcium as it is placed just below it on the
periodic table. Its effectiveness depends on taking it on an empty stom-
ach, a maximum of 1.7 g/day. Double the amount of calcium you take
in relation to your strontium supplement. Boron as well as vitamin D
help the body assimilate and utilize calcium. Magnesium also assists in
the assimilation of bone calcium. But when calcium supplements don’t
relieve the pain of arthritis it can be because of a defi ciency of boron,
which prevents its absorption into the bones.
Besides the dietary measures already stated, alkaline water and far
infrared (FIR) heat sleeping pads help stem bone loss by dissolving the
acidic wastes in the fl uids surrounding the bone joints and muscles.


Shortly after Dorothy turned fi fty-fi ve, she retired as private secretary
to the executive vice president of a pharmaceutical company. This was
when she fi rst felt a stabbing pain in her muscles. The pain gradually
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